Alvez The Erlking Rides
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The Erlking Rides

Military action


The forces of the Erlking invade Bedouar,

Following The Tear and the collapse of The Empire of Tarif, Bedouar was thrown into chaos and civil war. Letha was threatened by twin invasions by two seperate Sidhe peoples. The Tuatha de Danaan, under the banner of the Courts of Summer and Winter, first appeared from the Fortunate Isles in the West, emerging from the Feth Fiada in ships cloaked in stormclouds. In the East, the Alfr, sworn to the enigmatic Erlking appeared in the dark forests and mountains, striking from the shadows.   Emperor Gratian organized a series of campaigns against the latter in Arle with some success. Around 29 SI, the nature of the combat changed dramatically with the sound of a ghostly hunting horn. What had begun as nighttime raids and forest ambushes suddenly became a full onslaught, as the Erlking himself rode at the front of a spectral host of riders, overrunning the Imperial remnants. Accompanied by an army of Alfr and Fomorians and a horde of Sluagh, the invaders pressed Westwards in a march towards the Shatterlands, stopping and starting the march without warning, destroying any resistance that stood before the horde.   In the meantime, the advance of the Tuatha had slowed, resisted by the combined might of Ys and Kameled. Following the sacking of Samarobriva, King Gradlon of Ys and King Riotham of Kameled took an unprecedented step, demanding an audience with the Queens of Summer and Winter. With the arkane backing of Fjallkonan and Menez-Mikael, they sovereigns, seeing the threat of the Erlking, united in an alliance.   The unified forces met the Erlking's host at the Battle of Tours, ending the War of the Erlking