Wyldstorms Physical / Metaphysical Law in Alvez | World Anvil
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Wyldstorms appear as massive, dark, spinning stormclouds, forming a solid and visible front several kilometers in height. While the stormfront appears similar to a mundane hurricane, the rotation of the storm is not uniform. A Clockwise spinning storm is typically less powerful and carries largely beneficial effects, such as the purification of water. Counterclockwise rotation signifies a cursed storm, full of chaotic, malevolent magik. Either storm contains powerful magik capable of warping reality itself where it passes. The stormfront is often rippled with lightning of many colours across its face and within its form.   The clouds roll over the sky like a tide, riling up waters with a deluge of stormsurges, rain and high winds. The interior of the storm again resembles that of a hurricane, but brilliant lightning of many colours arcs through the clouds above, the timing of accompanying peels of thunder not following a logical pattern, occurring before, during or after the strike. The clouds glow with greens, blues and reds and aurora of brilliant Gaoithe Sidhe cut through the dark skies.   The weather patterns in the storm are often impossible for the region, including rogue tidal waves, waterspouts and whirlwinds and earthquakes as reality itself is ripped apart and reformed. The Magikal effects of the storms are even more unpredicatable. Massive geological shifts occurs as lands are ripped from the earth and left hanging as islands in the air, forests and cities are plunged beneath the sea or overtaken by sandstorms. The passage of Chronos stands still or speeds up. The transformation of mundane creatures into magikal ones, including striking physical transformations, is often a side effect to direct exposure to the full brunt of a Wyldstorm, with animals gaining the power of speech or growing in size, humans becoming animals, Milliget or monsters.   Often, the most striking of the magikal effects of the Wyldstorm reverse upon the storm's passing, but many remain permanently afterwards, leaving an area as a Bleed.


Wyldstorms are outburst of the pure chaotic magik of the Faewylde, originating deep within Faerie and breaking into Bedouar through existing Bleeds or, in extreme circumstances, ripping new tears in the Veil. Many Wyldstorms originate far out in the Mor Bras before making landfall, leeching on to mundane hurricanes and using the magikal potency of those storms to break into the mortal world. When a reserve of built up energy breaks through without a storm to latch onto, it may manifest in different ways, attaching to other forces to manifest as sandstorms, tornadoes or even a Full Moon. These are typically smaller and more localized, with their own specific effects.   Some regions, like the city of Barrad-Faout or the sunken Valley of Lyonesse, are locked in a permanent Wyldstorms, the magikal and mundane effects having largely stabilized, leaving the storm's effects more mundane.
Metaphysical, Arcane


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