The Shifting Sands Geographic Location in Alvez | World Anvil
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The Shifting Sands


The Shifting Sands is the name given to several sandy deserts that dominate the continent of Alkebulan. Most maps available in Kornôgel indicate that the large swath of territory stretches from the Graves, along the Southwestern coast of the Mor Bras in a crescent shape towards Iram of the Pillars in the Northeast, terminating near the Maelstrom. Local populations typically describe two distinct deserts. The Sahra' Alshams, Desert of the Sun, between the Graves and Pharos, dominates the continent along Slaver's Coast, a vast stretch of sand dunes as far as the eye can see. The Sahra' Alqamar, Desert of the Moon, covers most of Outremer, and is politically dominated by the Caliphate of Ubar, arid shrubland giving way to sand dunes in the east.

Localized Phenomena

The Graves

The Desert of the Sun is the larger of the two regions, dominated by great dunes and sand seas. The Western border is a dangerous coastline along the Mor Bras, including a region known as the Graves, the Southernmost point charted by the Lavigerien Guild. Sailors along the coastline will come across the Kalvar of Cassimbo, a massive monolith of marbled sodalite, rises from the sea, untouched by marine life. The monolith, carved with strange patterns of unknown origin, appears in the same position relative to a traveler as ships crossing into the graves, regardless of their specific location or direction of approach.   The sand of the coastline becomes a rich, deep red, sand dunes and flat sand seas punctured by rocky outcroppings and the husks of shipwrecks. Thick banks of magical Feth Fiada roll in regularly from the sea, throwing the area into low visibility that makes navigation all but impossible. Dramatic tidal shifts and Wyldstorms often force ships and windships far inland, only for the water to recede, running the ships aground kilometers from the shore. Ghostly ships, capable of traveling across sand and sea in equal measure, hunt down those who try to sail through the Graves.
Alternative Name(s)
Sahra' Alshams, Sahra' Alqamar
Location under


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