Patav Lourdaud Character in Alvez | World Anvil
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Patav Lourdaud

Patav Lourdaud (a.k.a. Gourmand)

Patav Lourdard, AKA, Gourmand, is the head of the Coquillard, the largest and most well-connected criminal organization in Letha.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

There are dozens of stories swirling around the enigmatic man who became the most feared crime-lord of the North, but few concrete details. Some claim he is the son of an impoverished tanner, arising from nothing to build his empire, one cut purse or slashed throat at a time. Other tales tell a tale of noble intrigue, of a secret tryst and abandoned child who rose from ignominy to take revenge on those who sought to erase his name. And in whispered voices, there is even talk that the man known as Gourmand is no man at all, but some malicious entity from beyond the veil, masquerading in human form. Whatever the truth, all stories agree on one thing: Gourmand is to be respected and feared. Those who have taken him lightly, be they rival criminals, noblemen or even creatures of Faerie, have only rarely lived to regret their mistake.   The rise of the Coquillard criminal organization which Gourmand controls is not lacking for exaggerated origins and tales either, but the truth is easier to ascertain. Named for their scallop-shell emblem, the Coquiallard began as an insignificant group of wreckers operating out of the Quelmer Graves, a ship graveyard near Aleth. Gourmand arrived during a storm when a rogue wave smashed his ship into the rocks. Marked for death, Lourdard convinced the gangs that swarmed the wreck that he was a nobleman worthy of a ransom. While the leaders worked out the details, Patav ingratiated himself with the lowest rung of the wreckers, orchestrating a series of alliances, "accidents" and attacks that turned the community of wreckers and scavengers upside down, placing Lourard and his allies at the top.   Under Lourdard's command, the gang rose from starving opportunists to the most feared criminal enterprise in Aleth, branching into high-seas piracy, counterfeiting, blackmail and arson. Gourmand's tactical mind allowed the group to stay ahead of their rivals and the authorities, spreading to other ports across Breizh.   The gang began to push out from their coastal strongholds along the overland and aerial trade routes, all moves directed by Lourard, or as he was now known, Gourmand.. The crime-lord relocated his command from Aleth to the larger city of Naoned, maintaining an iron grip over his empire.


Contacts & Relations

Gourmand's expansive reach into the criminal underworld has touched upon the lives of many.   Gourmand was the previous employer of Adele and Fleur of the Marie-Morgane before the two vanished at sea.   Early in his criminal career, Gourmand was involved in the initial kidnapping of Kathalia Bisclavret at the direction of Gidas Frihep. He has continued to associate with House Frihep and its allies, such as Gilles de Carrier, Viscount of Retz and Seguin Badefol of the Tards-Venus.   Gourmand is the occasional employer of Morgiana.

Wealth & Financial state

Gourmand is arguably one of the wealthiest and most powerful men in Breizh, his criminal enterprise raking in thousands of Livres a year, placing his income equal to the wealthiest merchants and most affluent nobles in the Duchy. The variety and scale of his operations ensures a consistent flow of coin and the social benefits that come with it.
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Contrary to his counterparts in the Golden Sea, Gourmand has no interest in obtaining "legitimacy" with titles purchased from bankrupt lords and desperate princes. Instead, he lives like a king in the Merchant's Paradise of Gwitreg, remaining a peasant. His disgust with the nobility is well-known and his power makes him one of the few who can openly act against them, should any stand in his way.
Year of Birth
993 SI 246 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Numerous versions of Lourard's birth circulate, ranging from the son of unremarkable tanners to the child of a secret noble tryst.
Current Residence
Coal Black
Patav's hair is greasy and black, a bald spot giving it the appearance of a monk's tonsure.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Discoloured, Blotchy
Owned Vehicles
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations


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