Kornikaned Species in Alvez | World Anvil
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Basic Information


The Kornikaned are diminutive humanoids, measuring around 10 cm in height, making them, along the Boudics, the smallest of the Tuath Korrigan.   Kornikaned possess chitinous insectoid legs, segmented into three sections, resembling in shape a proportions a Bediz thigh and calf, with an elongated unguligrade heel ending in a hooflike pincer. These are split into two digits, which are capable of limited, scissor-like movement to assist the Kornikaned while walking across tree branches and similar uneven, narrow terrain. Their legs are covered in chitin, with barb-like plates giving it the appearance of armor.   Their upper bodies resemble those of the Eladan, with humanoid morphology and proportions. Kornikaned arms bend at the shoulder, elbow and wrist. They have hands with four slender fingers and an opposable thumb, functionally identical to that of a Bediz.   The most distinguishing characteristic of the Kornikaned is their brightly coloured translucent wings that sprout from their back. These can take a number of forms, but most closely resemble the wings of a dragonfly, cicada or butterfly. All Kornikaned have either one or two set of wings, which are capable of sustaining flight. Kornikaned bones are strong, but hollow, with a spongelike texture. Unlike Gargoul, Kornikaned must use their wings actively to maintain elevation, and if damaged, wet, or pinned down, they cannot take flight. This results in a near constant flitting about while airborn. When not in use, Kornikaned wings can be pressed back against the body to conserve space and energy, resembling gossamer capes.   Kornikaned has long and large pointed ears, aligned horizontally to their heads. These are longer than those of the Eladan, curving on the top and bottom to a very narrow point. They often have small antennae atop their heads. Kornikaned have hair, resembling that of the Bediz, although with a greater variety of color.

Genetics and Reproduction

While the Kornikaned are biologically capable of sexual reproduction, copulation only rarely results in the birth of a Kornikaned child. Kornikaned can give live birth, but this poses exceptional risk to the life of both the mother and child. This, coupled with a high infant mortality rate, results in extremely low or even negative population growth for the species.   Instead, the primary method to grow the troupe is snatching, a ritualized kidnapping to bring new blood into the community. The Kornikaned will select an individual, most commonly a Bediz infant, and orchestrate its abduction. The target is spirited away deep within the troupe's lair, where they are treated as an honored guest, the subject of endless feasts, grand balls and similar merriment. As they are exposed to the foyson of the troupe, they gradually become Kornikaned themselves, forgetting their former lives and joining fully in the revelry. As this occurs, Changelings take their place, continuing to carry out the individual's life for a time, preventing all but the most astute or dedicated guardians from noticing the switch and coming to the rescue.   The vast majority of those snatched by the Korrigan of the Forest are Bediz infants, but adults are sometimes taken, including midwives, attractive individuals and those with skills that would prove useful to the continued survival and success of the troupe. Although most stories tell of children being spirited away from loving families, in reality, whether through a sense of altruism or just convenience, most snatched come from broken homes, with abuse victims, lost children and orphans being greatly preferred. During times of extreme hardship, such as natural disaster, plague and war, Kornikaned populations tend to experience dramatic growth.

Growth Rate & Stages

While rare, natural-born Kornikaned children do exist. Newborn kornikaned appear sickly, ugly and wrinkled, with dark brown skin resembling a rotting prune. These infants are exceptionally fragile, highly susceptible to fatal injuries, debilitating diseases and predator attacks. Those who survive into adolescence (7 years) become gradually healthier, their wrinkled, mottled skin smoothing out and clearing up. After 77 months and a brief pupal stage, a Kornikaned reaches physical maturity, gaining their wings and the ability of flight, entering society as adults.

Ecology and Habitats


  Kornikaned are the "Korrigan of the Forest", preferring to reside deep within secluded forested areas whenever possible, and typically favouring a mixture of deep woods and open glades. A traditional Kornikaned community, known as a "troupe", will lay claim to a section of woodlands, dividing their territory into conceptual regions. The densest areas of deep woods undergrowth serves as a hunting ground and a defensive position. Habitation is located in the canopy and trunks of old growth trees. Access is almost always located high off the ground and out of reach for all but the most determined terrestrial predators. Adolescent Kornikaned without wings, and guests to the settlements are raised into these upper areas via baskets and other contraptions.   Open glades, on the other hand, serve as important cultural and ceremonial places, and are defended with an almost fanatical zeal. These sometimes contain menhirs, cromlechs and dolmens or tumuli. Trespassing onto a Kornikaned glade will result in harsh retribution to the offenders.   While initially only found in the dense forests of Albia and the ar goat Letha, the spread of Bediz settlements and the transportation of lumber have greatly affected the Kornikaned, spreading them across Alvez and into new habitats. While many Kornikaned were quick to adapt to the hedgerows and bocage, others opted to follow the wood of their homes, establishing themselves in large wooden structures, with particular affinities to roof-vaulting, ship rigging and library stacks, living in and defending their urban homes with the same aggressive territorialism as their rural ones.  


  Kornikaned architecture comes in two distinct variations, each playing a different role in their society. The simpler of the two, and more widely seen, are hanging hammocks, made from a paperlike wood fiber to resemble wasps nests. While often camouflaged, they are still seen often and are widely associated with the Korrigan of the Forest, giving the impression of a simple and primitive society. These structures ofteqn serve as outbuildings, such as guard posts, day huts and smaller scale dwellings for Kornikaned living outside the main community. Despite their outwardly rudimentary appearance, they are structurally complex, surprisingly robust and quite adaptable, capable of sustaining civilian habitation, workshops of martial mustering. Longer-term hammocks are often outfitted with balconies, windows, bridges and winching platforms.   Given the simplicity of these hanging structures, it is easy for many to overlook the primary architecture of the Kornikaned: The Heartwood. In the simplest terms, the Heartwood is located inside of of the trunk and larger branches of old-growth trees deep within Kornikaned lands. However, in truth, Heartwood is extra-dimensional space, supporting larger space within than the exterior should allow, similar to those created with a Silverkey. Kornikaned Heartwood construction can lead to the creation of massive palaces, all "carved" from the wood of the host tree, supporting complicated networks of rooms, atriums, balconies and staircases. Some even include enclosed gardens under a false sky, or entire vertical cities. Typically, communal service areas, like storage rooms or reservoirs, are located in the "roots" of the tree, spreading out in tunnel complexes. The main areas, typically public spaces like ballrooms, dining rooms and other communal areas, at found within the trunk of the tree, while more private spaces are found in the "branches" Kornikaned living in the Heartwood may rarely have small private apartments within a complex, but rarely have large spaces or separate structures.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Kornikaned primarily subsist not on substantive food and drink, but rather Foyson, the underlying essence of a thing, draining all nourishment from a substance ad storing it, leaving the physical material intact, but drained of nutrients, often resulting in dried out fruit, spoiled milk and other "ruined" foodstuffs.   The staple Kornikaned diet consists of the foyson of berries, mushrooms. grains and small animals, mostly insects. Occasionally, they will organize raiding parties, typically numbering between five and ten warriors, to take down larger prey or obtain resources from their neighbors. Milk and butter is most often the target, and these raids are often called "dairy raids", even if some non-dairy product is the target. Armed with the small, but fearsome Saighead Sidhe, raiding parties will attack hostile animal dens, bediz farms and even other Faerie peoples, their weapons dealing out sharp, stinging pain that can incapacitate significantly larger foes. Kornikaned raiders are bold and fearless to a fault, willing to attack dogs, cattle, and bediz without a moment's hesitation.   Foyson is collected in special, acorn-shaped bottles, then stored in large storage tunnels, then used as ingredients to prepare lavish feasts. The Kornikaned are capable of producing the purest, highest quality Foyson of the Faerie peoples.


The Kornikaned have a reputation for two things: Their bacchanalian merrymaking and their aggressive territoriality.

Additional Information

Social Structure

The organization of Kornikaned Troupes is something of a mystery to outsiders, appearing simultaneously as a highly regimented society and utter chaos. A queen rules over a society resembling a pantomime version of a Bediz royal court, attended by a dizzying array of titled courtiers and eclectic advisors, whose actual roles and powers are unclear. The qualifications and duties of many of these titles remain a complete mystery to outsiders and seem to follow no rhyme or reason, the specific titles changing without prelude and duties often being contradictory to each other.   Despite the chaos, some elements can be gleaned, offering an insight into this strange society. The Queen, serving as both a civic figurehead and high priestess, rules over the revelers. Beneath her, a daughter, either biological or adopted, serves as a military commander, known as a Snatcherhead, overseeing the troupe's defensive and raiding forces. Opposite the Snatcherhead is the First Bard, the primary diplomat and recordkeeper of the Troupe. This position, charged with recording the deeds of the Troupe and speaking on behalf of the Queen to outsiders. The First Bard is always male, while the Snatcherhead is always female. Each commands a small subsection of artisans and soldiers, respectively, and effectively ignore the opinions or orders of the revelers, regardless of title, answering only to the Queen herself. A lesser druid serves the Queen as a secondary religious authority, aided by a small group of acolytes.   The large majority of society is collectively referred to as the "revelers", a dizzying cluster of self-given titles and fabricated histories in what appears to be a constant cycle of parties, dances and a dizzying web of overblown, but ultimately meaningless court intrigue. At any given time, there appears to be a strict hierarchy of nobles, knights and peasants to which the entire collective adheres, but the individuals in these roles rise and fall in power for seemingly arbitrary reasons. Those in favour scheme absurd plots and intrigue around each other, while the masses at large eagerly observe the alliances and betrayals, set in a world of constant feasts, Hastiludes and balls. While the Snatcherheads and First Bards ignore the revelers, they also are dedicated to ensuring that this constant flurry continues. The communal benefits of dedicating so much resources to this large and seemingly unproductive class is unclear, even to other Korrigan peoples.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Kornikaned wings, glittering with glamour and vibrantly coloured, have been likened to stained glass, and are popular for decoration, jewelry and accessories. A thriving black market for these exists across Letha.   A magically active pollen coats these wings as well, providing a potent alchemical ingredient. Unlike the wings, this can be harvested without killing or maiming the creature. Similarly, Kornikaned distilled foyson is also highly valuable.

Facial characteristics

Kornikaned typically possess delicate, angular features, considered generally to be the most traditionally beautiful of the Korrigan peoples. Their pointed ears, proportionally the longest of the Faerie races, extend outwards from the sides of their heads at around a 30-degree angle. Kornikaned ears form a long thin triangle, slimmer and longer than those of the Tuatha de Danaan.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The Tuath Kornikaned was first identified in the ar goat Armorica, the heavily forested interior of The Armorican Peninsula in Northwestern Kornôgel, specifically the Brekilien and Huelgoat Forests. After The Fall of Ys, they remained largely undisturbed in their deep woods hideaways, until an explosion of lumber harvesting and agricultural expansion pushed the Bediz further into the ar goat.   As their arboreal homes were cut down to fuel the new demand for construction and shipbuilding, the Kornikaned followed, first spreading across the Peninsula and then further into Kornôgel. In urban areas, some claimed residence along the hedgerows lining the Bocage farmland, adapting their old ways of life to forgotten ribines and cowpaths. Others adapted, living in the rafters of large constructions, such as the roofing of Cathedrals and castles or in the rigging of ships. Others followed their beloved trees to libraries, maintaining a spiritual link to their home and living among the stacks or in the walls and roofs, drawn by the large quantities of paper.   Kornikaned are quick to take advantage of instances of Hengoad Bleed, when magical forests suddenly spring up as an unstable reality is reshaped by the Hud.   As a result of this diaspora and adaptation, Kornikaned have spread far beyond their original habitat, appearing as far South as Slaver's Coast and The Sea of Wine.

Average Intelligence

As with many Korrigan, the average intelligence of the Kornikaned exists in a wide spectrum, ranging between that of high-level animals, most typically associated with the semi-feral troupes of the Faewylde, to levels on par with the average Bediz.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Kornikaned possess the same 5 senses as the Bediz, with exeptionally keen senses of sight and taste. As a species, they have extreme myopia, and are unable to see distant objects clearly, but are able to see exquisite details up close.   They are quick to pick up on movement, allowing them to hunt or react to threats in the dense forest with little warning. They live in a state of heightened Kairos), seeing the larger world as if it is in slow motion compared to themselves. This gives them a reputation for lightning reflexes and preternatural reaction speeds   The Kornikaned also have a remarkable sense of taste and are able to identify even subtle flavourings with exceptional accuracy, as well as being able to identify spoilage and contamination, such as poison, before they ingest enough to be adversely affected. Their remarkable palette has given Kornikaned cuisine a reputation of being the finest of all the faerie peoples.

Civilization and Culture

Beauty Ideals

Kornikaned prize vibrantly coloured wings, often using glamour to highlight the colours or natural patterns on these.

Gender Ideals

In Kornikaned society, the roles of Queen, Snatcherhead and First Bard are all filled by individuals of specific genders, but this stringent requirement does not extend beyond these particular positions, with artisans, Snatchers and civic leaders found in all genders. Interestingly, the gender roles of the revelers often mimic those of nearby societies, in exaggerated pantomimes of those groups, despite the Kornikaned's stated disdain for outsider societies. These stereotypes and roles do not extend outside of the courtly games of the revelers.

Courtship Ideals

A Kornikaned courtship ritual involves holding one's hat behind one's left shoulder, with their eyes fixed straight on the desired individual. This appears to be adopted from a popular method of magically-supplemented beekeeping.

Average Technological Level

For the most part, the Kornikaned operate as a hunter-gatherer society, possessing no widespread agriculture or husbandry. However, they have developed a number of arkane artefacts and alchemical constructs that are worth noting.   Kornikaned have proven especially adept at the harvesting and purification of foyson, storing this essence in sealed wooden bowls, which are then stored on secure shelves in tunnels until it is repurposed into sustenance. While specifically directed towards the storage of nourishment, these jars are considered the most efficient storage containers for arkane energy.   The Saighead Sidhe, or fairy-darts, are small arrows and spears capable of inflicting a number of effects on larger foes. A sting from these weapons can cause muscles to sharp spasm, forcing a grown Bediz to drop a weapon or tool or send cattle into a frenzy. The darts can cause arthritis-like pain and stiffness on the hands, or cardiac arrest if the heart is struck directly. Those plagued by the Saighead Sidhe often experience stroke-like symptoms, which can lead to death.   The Kornikaned often make use of the Boked-Bran flower, which has been enchanted to make a slight ringing sound when disturbed, at a pitch undetectable by most larger creatures. These blue-purple flowers are often enchanted with magical traps.

Common Etiquette Rules

Given the Kornikaned's tendency of raiding and snatching, one might assume that they are uniformly a nuisance or worse. However, while these actions and their dismissive attitudes towards others, the Kornikaned view their raids, driven by an ere-hud that prevents them from accepting charity, as an exchange, rather than a theft. Homes hit by Kornikaned raids are often also placed under their protection from other threats, such as wolves or bandits, and are typically gifted with bountiful harvests aside from that which the Kornikaned sap of foyson. Such households also hear the music of the Kornikaned on cold winter nights and find themselves the recipients of anonymous gifts of food or clothing in trying times.   Never the less, the chasm between Bediz and Kornikaned morality leads to strained relationships between many groups, especially those unfamiliar with the tiny pixies.

Common Dress Code

Kornikaned utilize natural themes, making clothing and armor that resembles plants, vines, flowers and other organic inspirations. These are often woven with textiles, not the actual plants they are representative, though they may serve as base materials.   Kornikaned favour dramatic, elegant dresses, armors and suits, true to the pagentry of the revelers. Raiders may utilize more practical garb and some urban Kornikaned will mimic the styles of their larger neighbors.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

A common motif of Kornikaned architecture is the presence of a cross-shaped marking on the floor of important rooms, resembling the first strands of straw used in making bee skeps.

Common Taboos

The Kornikaned have an ere-hud against being given things, similar to the Boudics. This prohibition certainly factors into their culture of raiding, even against friendly neighbors.   The Kornikaned will not allow outsiders to set foot with the rings that are found in their sacred glade, reacting violently to even accidental trespass, and are often driven into a frenzy if sacred locations are damaged. Those who do are either attacked with arkane attacks or Saighead Sidhe, or magically shrunk down to the Kornikaned's size and taken prisoner for interrogation.   The Kornikaned have an ere-hud against being counted, and will go out of their way to obfuscate any attempt to do so.


Like many aspects of Kornikaned, their history often appears strange and disjointed to outsiders, a collection of often-contradictory tales of the deeds of individual troupes, rather than the culture as a whole. Some events, such as the Tear are completely absent from the collective history, while others describe larger events that no other race has record of.   Outside records of the Kornikaned indicate they were among the first Korrigan peoples making an appearance after the tear, terrorizing the Northern forests of Albia and Letha, or emerging from Hengoad Bleed to conquer an area as their own. While Kornikaned territory tends to be small, history is littered with retribution against those who trespassed against them. Suprisingly, the Kornikaned allied with the Erlking and the Queens of Winter and Summer in early conquests, and occasionally with other Fae or even Bediz factions. These alliances are typically short lived, but notable. Belphoebe the Huntress, for example, was a member of the Alliance of the Broceliande and a notable supporter of the Korrigan political faction, the Broceliande League.   With the spread of northern lumber, the Kornikaned have similarly spread across Alvez, with some troupes moving towards attaining some level of integration with society at large, their long-held insular communities changing as they are exposed to new situations and cultures. This integration varies dramatically, with some, such as the Flowers of Gwened achieving some level of harmonious integration while the Forestiers of Naoned operate as a criminal organization in the Forest .

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

The Kornikaned hold a high opinion of themselves as the height of magical beings, only grudgingly acknowledging the authority of the Tuatha courts and the Boléguéan councils.  
  • The Bediz and the Fomorians are both viewed as "stomping oafs", amusing creatures at best and the social equivalent of cattle at worst. Some individuals and troupes have revised their thinking, but this view is held by many, especially rural populations, seeing these species as resources and annoyances. Some individual troupes, such as the Flowers of Gwened have better relations with their Bediz neighbors.
  • The Boléguéans, the Kriores and the Teuz are seen as dullards, mired in work and lacking a sense of humor. The Poulpiquet and the Tohoseguéannets are viewed more favourably. The Boudics are the only non-Kornikaned regularly welcomed into their tree-palaces, their magical abilities well-received by the revelers. Special disdain is given to the Gargoul, who often share a habitat of wooden roof-frames, angering the territorial pixies, as their powerful magical abilities and mobility hamper the preferred methods in dealing with intruders.
  • On Size

    The Kornikaned are one of the smallest of the Tuath Korrigan, and generally have a very insular society, shunning outsiders. However, recognizing the need for interactions with the "giants", they have devised numerous ways to allow for visitation or capture. The first method involves the use of perspective within a Bleed, gradually shrinking down a visitor over the course of a complicated entryway, taking advantage of the unstable magic of those areas. These require a great deal of care and resources, and as such are only used for invited guests in well-established Heartwoods.   The more direct route, used primarily for intruders and captives, utilizes a specially crafted mixture of a foyson-rich mushroom grown deep in the roots of a Heartwood, which can be easily dispersed for a quick shrinking effect. This causes a severe hallucinatory effect, disorienting those under its influence as they are temporarily reduced to the size of the Kornikaned.
    Genetic Ancestor(s)
    Genetic Descendants
    Conservation Status
    The exact numbers of the Kornikaned, or even a reasonable estimate, have long eluded scholars, but they are thought to be one of the most populous of the Korrigan peoples, with possibly millions found throughout Alvez. Even within heavily settled regions, ascertaining population details of the notoriously insular Kornikaned has proven exceptionally difficult. Counting is further complicated by a belief among the Korrigan of the Forest that if their numbers are ever properly measured, the people will experience a massive loss of life. Whether this is a cultural superstition or a magically enforced ere-hud is unknown, but it remains one of the most bedrock taboos among the Tuath Kornikaned throughout Alvez and they will take every means to obfuscate a proper census.
    Average Height
    .1 meters
    Average Physique
    Kornikaned are typically proportionally tall and thin, with long limbs and delicate frames. While exceptions do exist, these are rare.
    Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
    The skin tone of the Kornikaned people is quite varied, generally reflecting that of Bediz populations, but with some reare pigmentations including light blues, greens and purples. These latter colourations are exceptionally rare and are thourght to be caused by alchemical contamination, rather than a natural occurrence.   The translucent, insectlike wings of the Kornikaned exist in a naturally wide range of hues and tints. Most typically these are vibrant primary, secondary and tertiary colours, often glowing with glamour. This glow is tied to the magical power of a Kornikaned, glowing brighter when the creature is healthy and well-fed, dimming as they are weakened.   Hair colours also exist in a wide range, including both those found in the Bediz as well as more vibrant colours, such as greens, blues, pinks, reds and whites.
    Geographic Distribution
    Related Organizations
    Related Technologies


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