Vedui Tinaoiaur Settlement in Alphatia | World Anvil
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Vedui Tinaoiaur

Now a vassal of the River Kingdom, Vedui Tianoiaur was once its own kingdom with the forests reaching across all of Ovest. The Lady of the Last Star was one of the first to succumb to the Elenhos madness taking great pleasure in warping the forests into strange representations of their former self. The Varisians have driven back the forest to the small pocket that now exists. The Lady at first sent her plant pets to fight these incursions but when they failed she began to demand the Ornhini and then Elenhos sacrifice themselves to defeat the intruders. The Elenhos with the support of the River king deposed the Lady to end the war. Most of the Elenhos now reside in Vedui Tinaoiaur in a near monastic lifestyle, taking little from the land or ether in hopes of starving off the madness. While they support the River King many have also supported the Ornhini resistance in helping remove crazed Elenhos before they can infect others. Recently the Esposito family has begun to log the Eastern border of the forest, expanding their land into this realm. While the Ornhini are concerned the Elenhos of Vedui are even slower to act, fearing that action will lead to madness.
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