Vilvarde Settlement in Alphatia | World Anvil
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Vilvarde Home of the School of Moncorvo and tournament grounds of Ovest Vilvarde is a city peopled with entertainers, dancers, artisans, and folk of culture and learning. The people of Vilvarde tend to have a lust for travel and new sites. Many natives make their way to other nations as part of traveling shows or even lone minstrels. The Vilvardani as a people love glitz and glam, and are appreciative of flair and panache. Therefore it is hardly surprising that even their martial studies contain as much performance art as combat effectiveness. A famous bard was murdered and his body was tossed into the River Hebrus. The spirit of the bard now haunts that river, singing sad songs on moonless nights. No one knows what would be necessary to set this poor soul free.
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