Arta Morte Settlement in Alphatia | World Anvil
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Arta Morte

Once the grandest city of Ovest, the residents were overtaken by the Darkness and fell into madness. In a single night the entire city murdered and destroyed itself. The sorrow and anger of this event cause the corspes to rise from the grave and haunt the city. The surrounding area suffered a similar fate with the farms and forests becoming plague ridden and warped. The families of Ovest paid the Dwarves of the island to construct a wall to halt the tide of corruption from this place. In the middle they built a grand fortress. The debt from this construction is still being felt by the Ovest Tuomi and has slowed their progress. Each Ovest family is required to supply both materials and soliders to the wall. Many send either criminals or the weakest members of the family as a form of punishment. With such poor staff the wall is slowly degrading and the commander is constantly petitioning the senate to provide resources to protect the isle from the undead that reside within.
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