Mara Merwild Character in Aloth | World Anvil

Mara Merwild

Mara Merwild

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Mara is in great physical shape, she is not of a bulky build but still has well defined muscles and abs.

Body Features

Mara's skin is mint colored with the same grace and beauty as most half elves.

Facial Features

Mara's face is more elvish than orcish, but she still has big tusks that can be seen even when her mouth is closed.

Identifying Characteristics

Mara has a magical tatoo on her back that looks like two burning angel wings.

Special abilities

Mara is a powerful arcane wielder, but her magic is unlike any wizard or sorcerer. Her story telling and voice carries her magic as she is a bard.

Apparel & Accessories

Mara wears a knee long white travelers dress with a white corset , on top of that she wears an open light blue leather jacket that is magically enchanted to be used as armor.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Mara Merwild was born in Oord in the dominion. Her parents were a weird couple as her father was a very reputable high elf warrior from the queen's personal army, and her mother was an orc who was captured by the queen's army when they took over a settlement close to the maw gate. The two fell in love when they got to know eachother better and because she was innocent and not a raider she was released alongside the rest of the tribe who were also paid heavy tribute for the dominion's mistake. A few years later the two settled in Oord and had Mara. Her childhood was filled with stories from both sides and also a lot of physical training. But when she was 16 years old her parents died when they were on a journey to Mara's mother's home as a group of tormented from the plains of havoc had strayed to far out and ambushed them. Mara was left as an orphan and had to care for herself for the next few years.   When she was 19 she had traveled around a few village in Tharfield and had learned some of the arcane arts. She also met a group of people who would become her new family and adventuring party. The party went on adventures together for 5 years until they were tasked with a very special task by one of the dens of the dominion. They were tasked to investigate the Stonefields because of the growing threat of Condrenth The Stone Guard. This would be a dangerous task as the party would have to go through the plain of havoc, something they had never done before, but they were experienced with the area as they have traveled into it before. They had even killed some of the departed. When the rest of the party were preparing for their journey, Mara was approached by Angus Xiltarr the head of the Xiltarr den. He had a personal task for Mara, he wanted her to note Revendell's defensive capabilities and how many soldiers were still defending after The Battle of Razor Hills. Mara didn't know how to feel about it, but was honored to be asked personally by a den leader. She also was not to tell anyone about this mission.   The party traveled through the plains and were met with some difficulties but they managed to get through and end up in Revendell. During their time in Revendell Mara made notes of the defensive capabilities of the city and the kingdom in general. She found out that Revendell was weak and could be taken over with just a small army who struck at the most oppurtune of moments. They had some fun together in the city but continued on too the Stonefields. When they entered they were suprised by the purple night and saw a weird beam go into the sky. The party followed it and saw a small army of undead and an undead dragon, they were sure it was Condrenth. He looked hurt and much less threatning than they were told he was, so they decided to fight him. Their underestimation of him would soon lead to their doom. The party all dropped one after another. Until Mara was the last one standing, she cast dimension door to get away but the spell was miscasted because of the purple night. It did move her, but not only in physical space, she was also moved almost an entire day into the future. When she arrived she saw another group of adventurers fight the army of the dead and suceed. Condrenth was gone however, and in the battle her former allies, her family was being disintegrated by the adventurers who only knew them as undeads. She remained still for the battle and went on to follow the group of adventurers after they destroyed the machine that produced the sky beam.




Some home education and later many apprenticeships.


Religious Views

Mara follows Oghma's scribe Deneir.

Wealth & Financial state

Mara and her adventuring group was quite wealthy and had save up over 40 000 gold pieces, however, it was all lost when her group died.
On a scale from 1 to 10, how good would you rate your kingdom's defensive capabilities?
Lawful Good
Current Location
Year of Birth
628 25 Years old
Current Residence
Light red
Long, wavy thick black with a natural green shade
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pistachio green
180 centimeters
78 kilo
Known Languages
Celestial, Common, Elvish, Infernal, Orcish
Character Prototype
Hilary Knight


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