
(Legacy Content)
Veuse is a common species of plant native to Ysrailore, Vyerigal, Sancturalore, the southernmost reaches of Saeralorean, and the northernmost reaches of Gjalvalore, as well as numerous other locals. This plant is widely known for the capable healing abilities of the petals of its vibrant red flower and apple-shaped fruits, used in many forms of healing salves, potions, elixirs, oils, and even advanced sophisticated medicines throughout the ancient and modern world.

Basic Information


The Veuse plant appears as an around 3' (0.9m) flower with a long stem reaching upwards and surrounded by three wide leaves at its base. The petals of this plant are always colored a vibrant and striking red, and are curled back and away from the central stalk. In the center of the flower exists three golden stalks which facilitate pollination.

Genetics and Reproduction

The Veuse plant reproduces through means of pollination, either by pollinators of through the release of pollen spores itself. Regardless of how fertilization occurs, once it does the flower fades and produces a single, seed baring fruit that takes all remaining nutrients from the plant in approximately two to six days, at which point - if the fruit has not been consumed early - the plant dies and drops the fruit to the ground. Should the fruit be consumed before the plant dies, the plant returns to hibernation until next spring, where it begins anew. The fruit of the Veuse plant produces a sweet scent which attracts nearby creatures. Upon consuming the seeds of the fruit, they pass through the digestive system of the creature into its droppings, which will then come to produce new plants. Should the fruit not be eaten, its flesh decays and releases the seeds into the ground, which will then produce a cluster of the plants.

Growth Rate & Stages

Upon a seed finding itself in fertile soil, it will bury itself into the ground and begin germination, taking approximately three or four months to mature into the iconic red flower, at which point it begins the reproduction stage.

Ecology and Habitats

Veuse plants thrive in fertile, temperate environments, such as forests or plains, essentially anywhere that flowers typically exist, Veuse exists there as well.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Veuse is a stationary plant that absorbs nutrients and water from the ground and produces its energy through photosynthesis. So long as its roots remain undisturbed and it has direct access to sunlight it will remain until its death.

Biological Cycle

Veuse is a strange plant which seems to actively protect itself during the nighttime, pulling its flower into its center where it is then encompassed by the three leaves, appearing as a pod until daybreak, where it reveals its flower once more. The plant will always produce its fruit near the end of Voruzel, before the winter months.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Both the petals of its flower and the fruit it produces are commonly used in all manner of healing practices, from mundane herbal tea, to mystical rituals, to advanced medicine. As such, it is common in most - if not all - smaller settlements, like villages or hamlets, to have a field dedicated to the cultivation of the Veuse flower, and means of preserving the petals and fruits or extracts thereof. Additionally, the fibers from its leaves and stem are commonly used to produce durable clothing and coils of rope or twine.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Veuse can be found on nearly any landmass its seeds can reasonably reach that possesses soil which can foster plant growth.

Average Intelligence

Veuse are unintelligent.
6-7 months
Average Height
3' (0.9m)
Average Weight
6oz (170g)


Author's Notes

As with every writing endeavor, I would deeply appreciate constructive feedback, be it in the form of grammar corrections, naming ideas (which I have the most trouble with), or general questions or feedback about the world or anything within it. I thank you for your dedication of time to reading this article.

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