Forge's Calling Condition in Alore | World Anvil

Forge's Calling

(Legacy Content)
Forge's Calling is a mental condition caused by overuse of the spell known as Forgemaster's Metronome, which typically results in the individual's demise through over exhaustion. Even the creator of the spell himself, Orthoni Gut-beard, fell victim to this condition after the spell's creation early in the Second Era, though not before he was able to complete several priceless and powerful artifacts, including his masterpieces, the Heaven's Laurel, and the Soul of Radiance.

Transmission & Vectors

Forge's Calling can only affect the individual who is constantly casting the Forgemaster's Metronome, and as of now has no means of transferring the condition to other people, granted they do not also continuously cast Forgemaster's Metronome. As of this date, this is the only known method of contracting Forge's Calling.


Forge's Calling is a mental condition caused exclusively by the excessive use of the Forgemaster's Metronome spell.


Forge's Calling typically begins with an a strong subconscious desire to work on whatever projects the individual was using Forgemaster's Metronome to work on, specifically so they can continue using Forgemaster's Metronome. From firsthand accounts of Forge's Calling survivors, this resembles an addiction to the sound the spell causes while its in effect, alongside the fulfilment of completing numerous projects very quickly. If this condition continues its course, it will eventually cause the affected individual to ignore all other needs and solely focus all of their time on completing projects, leading them to ignore even basic needs such as food, water, and especially sleep. This usually results in multiple occurrences of faintness from both over exhaustion and lack of essential need fulfilment. This progression will ultimately lead to the death of the individual as their body gives out from the continuous strain of work and lack of necessities.


Forge's Calling can be treated just as any other addiction, that being first with recognition and acceptance of the problem before beginning steps to fix their current state. This usually comes as an isolation from spellcasting - or more specifically isolation from the Forgemaster's Metronome spell specifically - for several months or even years depending on how long the individual was under the effects of Forge's Calling. This is not without its issues, however, as great lengths and discipline must be observed of the individual to prevent them from casting the spell, which usually involves some manner of temporary or permanent memory manipulation.


Preventing Forge's Calling is as simple as effective moderation of any other potentially dangerous substance. If the individual casts Forgemaster's Metronome in specific amounts and only a few times per week they will not be at risk of contracting Forge's Calling. However, multiple castings of Forgemaster's Metronome in a single day is often a sign of the condition's presence.


The first recorded case of Forge's Calling was from the creator of the spell that causes it: Orthoni Gut-beard. While the condition was not known of until several more cases were reported, Orthoni was certainly the first to fall victim to this silent killer. The condition continued to affect numerous people across the magical portion of Alore until its discovery, where it was subsequently studied, and eventually determined as a mental condition caused by casting a specific spell. Since that day, numerous advertisements seek to discourage excessive use of the spell, much like an advertisement for the prevention of alcohol or tobacco abuse.

Cultural Reception

Typically, individuals suffering from Forge's Calling are seen as addicts by a an uninformed public, and usually carry a similar stigma to other substance abusers, though this may not be entirely deserved depending on the specific individual.
Chronic, Acquired


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