Tower of the Art Building / Landmark in Allatar | World Anvil
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Tower of the Art

The only building still standing in the The White Wastes , the Tower of The Art was one of the research centres of the College of the Arcane based in Faldrik.   Standing high above the bleached sands of the White Wastes, it emits an odd sense of calm and stillness that seems to be seperate from the wasteland around it.

Purpose / Function

A base of arcane research, the main function of the Tower of The Art during The Last War was looking into the creation of artificial and arcane forms of life.   Long before the end of the war, all contact was lost with the Tower and although a valuable resource, no one in the College could at the time spare the capacity to investigate. The end of the Last War and the creation of the White Wastes meant that all thought this tower and its secrets were lost to history.


A tall, thin tower, somehow made of one continuous piece of cold iron, stands some hundred feet tall.
Alternative Names
The College Tower
Tower, Mage
Parent Location
Characters in Location


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