College of the Arcane Organization in Allatar | World Anvil
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College of the Arcane

The biggest and most important centre for the study of the arcane and magikal in the land, the College has weathered many disasters and, although the end of the Last War ended the lives of many staff and pupils and had a devastating effect on its ability to continue as a viable college, it has managed to survive the last few year, although in a somewhat diminished capacity.   As part of the end of the Last War, a lot of the worlds concentrations of magical tomes were destroyed in various fires and arcane accidents. The College was not immune to that loss of knowledge and has sent out many of its best and brightest into the world to see what they can recover for its libraries.


The ruling of the College is now part of the The Council of Princes , the High Trade Prince is also considered to be the Principal Wizard of the College.

Public Agenda

The College's purpose has always been to share the knowledge of the arcane with those able to study it. Since the ending, it has been trying to rebuild its lost stores of magical knowledge and to try to work out why the arcane energy is flowing out of the world and how this might be reversed.


Founded long ago during the Age of Heroes, the college soon became the centre for magickal studies throughout the land.   Most of the ages best spellcasters started their careers in the halls of the college.   After the The Council of Princes took control of Faldrik , it wasn't long until the Princes, each a powerful magic user on their own, began to organise to take over the running of the college. Although it took many hundreds of years, eventually, the college passed into rule of the council and became an integral part of the running of the freecity.
Educational, University
Alternative Names
The College of Faldrik
Parent Organization


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