
Concept, Written by James Woodwright and Edited By Flubb2
A Medic is a member of the Medica who stays there to treat patients in the organisation. They are identified by the brown robes they wear and the University Medallion they carry.



Before the foundation of the University, members would show affinity for learning medicine. After the establishment of the University, it was decided that the Medallion would prove qualifications for medicine. The University has given the Medica  the right to further test the medallion holders. This is to make sure they are fit to practice medicine and to ascertain where they should be put to work.

Career Progression

Before the University
A person wishing to become a member of the Medica would show an affinity towards medicine. The new memeber would then be taught minor tasks, such as, making Crystallised Honey and tending to plants. Showing eagerness to improve in other areas ensures that they go to those areas.
After the establishment of the University
Once a member from the University gets their University Medallion they head to the Medica, once there, they then show their University Medallion showing that they are qualified in the eyes of the University. The list will then be used.
The List
They will be asked in which area they feel they excel at, and would be tested for that first but all areas of the Medica operations will be tested to see if their efforts are not best put else where. Once this has been found out their second best. Both of these will be part of their duties for the day, this might also mean that they never deal with patients if that was lower down on the list. Note Caring for patients not only includes work within the Medica. There are this who practice outside the Medica as Healer.   Although the person is tested on all areas of the list, they don’t have to take every position. As they may feel, at present, they have no aptitude for certain positions or the Medica feels they are better suited for a certain job. However, in the future, if a medallion holder feels they are now suited for other positions they may ask to pursue them. It should be noted that if they find that the position isn’t suited to them and they wish to go back to where they were then it won’t reflect badly on them. The Medica does however discourage constant changing as they do need to know how many practitioners of each kind they have.

Payment & Reimbursement

The payment for the Medic's wages comes from patients paying for their medical care. However in some cases the payment can come from The Tiger of Charity. What they are paid depends on the number of jobs the Medic does.
Chapel And/Or Temple Payment
In the case of Religious Payments, the Tiger of Charity, whose domain is charity, will pay for those who are not able to pay their medical bills. This can be due to the patient not being able to gain enough money from usual means. In some cases, the patient may pass away during treatment and their payments may be made by charity. Donations made at the statue of the Tiger of Charity are put aside for this purpose.



The Purpose of the Medic is to work in the Medica to treat patients and/or work in their accepted areas of expertise. This can be anything from working directly with patients to working with the plants & preparing ingredients for potions.
Appears In
The Artistocracy Chronicles Books 1 - 4
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