
Concept and Written By James Woodwright and Edited by Flubb2
A healer is a member of the Medica. Unlike the Medic the Healer is a person that travels around Willinghurst Cray on horse and carts in groups or on their own. It should be noted that even if a healer is on his own for his job, he will always have a Protector. The number of Protectors that travel with them will increase appropriately with the numbers in the group. Their purpose is to treat those unable to get to Draurough to visit the Medica.    Note - Although the test for the healer comes under the test for Patient Care, they are considered a separate branch. This is because they practice medicine beyond the Medica itself.   The Healers wear a white full-length robe. Before the University was created, the robes were plain white. Now they have a symbol of the Medallion on it. The Healers will alway carry more than one uniform to allow for cleaning as they make their journeys



Before the foundation of the University members would show affinity to learning medicine and an understanding of geography. After the establishment of the University it was decided that it would be the University Medallion that proves qualification.

Career Progression

Before the establishment of the University, the Healers have a general understanding of how to treat someone but sometimes a trip to Draurough would be needed for full treatment. Basic ailments could include such things as minor sprains, cuts and infections that could be healed by the way of poultices or by pre-prepared potions. Troubles such as major infections, breaks and other such injuries may well have to be healed at the Medica.   When there is a new healer they will often be found working with established healers to gain experience. This is not only for being a healing practitioner, but also to help introduce them to some of the villages and people that stay there.
Effect From The Establishment Of the University
The University has no effect on this profession other than the need to carry a University Medallion. This shows a healer is competent at their job.

Payment & Reimbursement

Payment is based on the treatments given to the patients. The healer's wage comes out of this when they get back to the Medica. Once there they empty their pockets of coins that are to do with the Medica. After working out the money they have earned, a float is then given back and their payment given. This pay is then put in a separate coin pouch. All other money is given to the Medica. Note, if the Healer is taking days off for rest, their float will be looked after for them until they journey out again Once they have their float they will restock with appropriate potions/inventory before they go.



The purpose of the Healer is to travel Willinghurst Cray and give basic treatments to patients who have suffered minor injuries that do not need treatment at the Medica in Draurough. They’re also able to help give basic treatments to those with more serious injuries with a view to getting them moved to the Medica as soon as possible. If a person is beyond healing and may not make it to Draurough, they can give the potion of superior pain relief to help them in their last days. In extreme circumstances, the patient's carers would be given individual doses of the supreme healing potion with strict instructions on how to administer them. This is strictly for certain end-of-life situations.
Appears In
The Artistocracy Chronicles Books 1, 3-4
Used By


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