Crystallised Honey

Concept and Written by James Woodwright and Co-written by Flubb2
Crystallised Honey is an ingredient that acts as a binder when used in potion-making in the Medica. Before the University was established, this was made at the Medica. Now, it is made at both the Medica and the University. Since the University has been established its Marketplace is where Medica members buy ingredients for experimentation. When treating Patients the Medica will use its own plants and honey.

Manufacturing process

There are two ways of creating crystalised honey. The first is to let it crystalise naturally. This involves leaving the honey in the jars undisturbed until the crystals begin to form. When this happens you leave it until it’s as crystalised as you want it and then you open the jar, use a wooden steak to break the crystals up. To get them out you turn the jar upside down and tap the bottom with your hand. As this can take a long time, you can speed it up by seeding the honey jar with cubes of previously crystalised honey. Then the process is the same as for the unseeded honey.


For as long as anyone can remember there have been notes on the use of honey in medicine. While its uses have been many and varied, such as warming medication for sore throats, it can often been found being used as a way of combining ingredients. It was only after the Medica was formed that Crystallising honey be came part of potion mixing. Over the years the method has been refined to make it what it is today.


Without Crystallised Honey multiple potion effects would not be able to be created To use the honey, firstly the ingredients required for the potion will be put in a pestle. (See Wooden Matrix) The honey will be added before the last ingredient then all ingredients are crushed using a mortar as per the recipe. The potion is mixed up immediately. This is done in front of the patient. However, if there was to be an emergency where many people had been hurt batch potions could be made so they are ready for incoming patients.

Crystalised Honey by Bing AI

  Appears in
The Aristocracy Chronicles Book 3 - 4
Current Location
Related ethnicities
Owning Organization
Crystallised Honey is highly common and used in potions that have multiple potion effects. It can be used to combine a mixture of ingredients.
Raw materials & Components
Honey from Beekeepers. When the University is setup it is the Beekeeping Trade Room that provides the honey through the University Marketplace. It should be noted that University produced honey is used for experimental potion creation purposes only. The honey that the Medica uses in its potion making is sourced from independent sources from outside the University.


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Jul 12, 2024 05:07 by Marjorie Ariel

No lies, when I was a kid, we often had a jar of honey that was partially crystalized. If we wanted regular honey, we would place the jar in a pan of hot water on the stove, and cook it until it smoothed out. But just as often we used it as is, and I got used to the texture, so I could happily eat it by the spoonful. (*eyes cabinet wondering if there is partially crystalized honey...)   You mention there are two ways to make crystalized honey, but I didn't catch right away that adding some already crystalized honey to the jar was the second way to make it. You might want to make that a little more direct.