Seven Ancestors Myth in Aiaos | World Anvil
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Seven Ancestors

The Seven Ancestors are the principal and creator gods of the Dwarfs. While most consider them of a kind with other Young Gods, dwarvern legend tells that at the beginning of the Colossus War, the departing Old Gods infused their power into a number of stones to create a race of lesser deities, charged with preserving harmony and tradition within the world. These Stone Gods stood alongside the Titans, Eladrin and Primordial Dragons in opposition to the Colossi.   The Seven, by dwarf accounts, are those of the Stone Gods who survived the Colossus War, and became by acts of divine genesis the parents of the seven great dwarvern clans. They are revered by their descendents, but not truly worshipped. No dwarf would ever forget to honour their ancestors, maintaining small shrines to their clan's patron in one or more of their aspects - facets of their overall divine identity which ritually function almost as subordinate deities - but they offer them no prayers or sacrifices. The Seven gave the dwarfs life, gave them rules, and then stepped away. They neither demand nor punish; their rules are instead enforced by the inflexible nature of traditional dwarvern society.   The Seven are:
  • Dziam (Adamant), born of diamond. God of health and endurance. Adamant also stands for morality, tradition and integrity, and is said to have given the dwarfs the ancient codes of law, and to have taught them the arts of mining and stone lore. The aspects of Adamant include the Lawgiver, Thronemaker, Delver and Stonesinger.
  • KraizHal (Greystone), born of granite. God of anger and decisive force. Greystone is the god of warriors, but also of judges and jurists, and is deemed to have rule over weather and natural disasters. They are also credited with teaching the Where Adamant laid down the law, Greystone taught the nuance of interpreting it. Aspects of Greystone include the Lord of Axes, Justiciar, Grudgebearer and Stormbringer.
  • KrakzHal (Thunderstone), born of flint. God of invention and discovery. As the god of invention, Thunderstone is a troublesome deity, who taught the dwarfs much craft and invested them with ingenuity, but also gifted them with an iconoclastic spirit which opposed the conservatism of dwarf society. Thunderstone is revered as the Spark-Striker and Firebringer, and more furtively as the Iconoclast.
  • MakhzHal (Blackstone), born of basalt. God of secrets and concealment. Blackstone was almost as instrumental as Adamant in the teaching of mining, and exceeded them in stonelore. Blackstone is also credited with teaching the dwarfs magic. While not as rebellious a figure as Thunderstone, outside their own clan, Blackstone is also known as a god of thieves and tricksters, revered as the Delver, the Veiled One and the Arcanist.
  • UhlzHal (Whitestone), born of marble. Good of sleep and dreams. Whitestone taught the dwarfs the shaping of stone, both as sculpture and as architecture, which the dwarfs consider to be dreams given form in stone. Whitestone is also a god of prophecy, revered as the Oracle, Stonesinger and Visionary.
  • EzhelzHal (Mottlestone), born of agate. God of joy and beauty. Mottlestone is credited with bringing the arts of jewellery-making, gem-cutting, and the shaping of precious metals. Mottlestone is also the god of music, poetry and other non-scultural arts, revered variously as the Singer, Faceter and the Laughing Lord.
  • HahmzHal (Bloodstone), born of haematite. God of hidden things. The youngest of the Stone Gods taught the arts of bronzesmithing, but also laid down precepts that were not understood for generation. Only as they discovered iron, mithral and adamantine were the secret teachings revealed. Bloodstone is revered as the Foresighted, Forgemaster and Maker of Blades.


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