Gods of Foundation Myth in Aiaos | World Anvil
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Gods of Foundation

The Gods of Foundation are the primary gods of the Genasi. They were a group of Young Gods, who came to the race after they abandoned their corrupted creators, the Elemental Princes. Having been essentially dependent on the Princes, the Genasi struggled after their rebellion. They had found a purpose in resistance, but lacked the tools to maintain their culture without their gods to guide them. Some assimilated into the cultures of their mortal parents, while others sought new gods to guide them. The Gods of Foundation were one such group, first worshipped by a large population of genasi in Caino. The Faith of Foundation then spread, in no small part through the migration of water genasi, to Suto and parts of Yethera.   They are seven in number, one for each of the elements, one each for the great lights of the sun and the moon, and the Archon, the embodiment of harmony and order. Their traditions and rituals are threaded throughout the shared culture of The Elysian Federation, and also have influence over the Empire of the Southern Sun and Genasi populations in Suto.  

The Archon

The principal god of the Faith of Foundation has a number of names, but is known in the Federation - and thus to the core of their worshippers - as the Archon. They are the god of the mountains, embodied in the stone of the Skystone Peaks, and of continuity, standing for all things that last against the slow, relentless grind of time, and for the custodianship and conservation of things that, unprotected, would not. They are also the god of authority, of rulership and order.  

The Four

Second to the Archon are the Four, the Gods of Foundation who represent the planar elements, and thus act as surrogate parents to the four 'families' of Genasi. As a result of this identification, there is a loose and strictly informal association of the different elemental heritage with the social functions represented by 'their' god.   The Sage is the god of fire, associated with reason and intellect, of learning and knowledge, but also of war and passion. He stands for both the purity of knowledge and the will to defend truth.   The Builder is the god of water. She stands for transformation, for crafts and creativity, for diplomacy and legacy. She is associated with discourse and with narrative.   The Farmer is the god of earth, of agriculture and the hearth. She stands for social contracts and stability, but also for defiance and resilience. She is both the rock that society is built upon, and the transformative force that changes it.   The Traveler is the god of the air, of movement and travel, discovery and deception. He is the trickster of the Faith, the questioner and the disruptor, although his transformative acts are never so impactful as the Farmer's.  

The Two

The Faith of Foundation is completed by the two, who stand for the celestial bodies, Soraes and Doraes. They are not physically the sun and moon, but like the celestial gods of many cultures represent those things associated with the great lights.   The Healer is the god of the sun and the day, of life and of new birth. She is also the god of sickness, however, and especially of sunstrokes and fevers, and a patron of judges as well as doctors.   The Dreamer is the god of the moon. The dark reflection of his sister, he is the god of night, dreams and death, of rest and of restlessness.


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