Merchant's Row Settlement in Age of Legend | World Anvil
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Merchant's Row

Once housing the offices of the merchant companies trading in pre-Scourge Kratas , this neighborhood was situated between the Warehouse District, The Stables and Hilltop . It also had several large, comfortable taverns for the merchants and their clerks, as well as a number of boarding houses.   After the Scourge, most of the taverns have opened their doors under the control of the Force of the Eye , their locations garish, noisy and dangerous. Some of the old merchant buildings now house....other houses of diversion. The streets are noisy with shills touting the virtue of their chosen taverns. These hawkers are quite persistent and the only thing that makes them relent is the threat of violence or them successfully dragging someone into the tavern for which they work.   While competitive, all taverns pay protection money to the Force of the Eye and some of these taverns are actually straight up owned by Garlthik One-Eye . While many of the taverns offer accommodations, it can bedifficult to sleep with the constant partying going on. A few boarding houses have opened back up, offering a (slightly) quieter night's rest.

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