Screaming Basilisk Building / Landmark in Age of Legend | World Anvil
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Screaming Basilisk

With a tall central room holding a large stage along one wall and a stuffed basilisk suspended above it by ropes, the Screaming Basilisk is Merchant's Row 's premier performance hall. Here Troubadours, musicians, jugglers, clowns and dancers take turn son the stage, often performing for free room and board and what coin the audience might throw them (which is generally not much).   Customers are not offered lodging, but there is a huge comunal room upstairs for the performers to sleep in. The hall does have a large kitchen which serves simple foods, most often "on a stick." It also serves swill, but has a small selection of higher-quality beverages. The food and drink are slightly more expensive than elsewhere in Kratas , but the entertainment is free.   Performers should beware...while the owners will let just about anyone get on stage with the patience to wait, the audience can sometimes be unkind, even going so far as to pelt performers with food.   A set of identical dwarf triplets own the hall (Logan, Rogan and Trogan), though many do not realize they are triplets as they each take a shift working the joint. IN addition to the owners, the Screaming Basilisk has three cookds, a dozen serving wenches and about a dozen guards.
Theatre / Concert hall
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