Melarie's House of Pleasures Building / Landmark in Age of Legend | World Anvil
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Melarie's House of Pleasures

This place is obviously a brothel, though it is not as artful as the Temple of Astendar nor as cheerful as the Blooming Lily. Employees are desparate and down on their luck. Prices are cheap, fortunately, but so are the goods.   There is a simple, dark and dirty barroom and several small rooms with low ceilings. There are a number of bouncers to keep clients in line, but nobody is encouraged to linger. Most of the employees have downright unpleasant attitudes.   The whores here are well known for stealing any valuables their clients might have on them, and complaining to the management only gets one thrown out of the house.
Brothel / Whorehouse
Parent Location

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