The Dream Palace Building / Landmark in Age of Legend | World Anvil
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The Dream Palace

Here one can find a variety of substances, both magical and herbal, that can induce hallucinations, euphoria or even torpor. The owner, Kree'klin Silvertail, considers himself a connoisseur of these substances. Some of the clientele are rich diletantes or jaded adventurers. Others are of a more mystical bent, seeking enlightenment.   Salons are finished with plush couches, elegant art, tapestries and carpets. Chambers for enlightenment seekers are plainly furbished nd clean. Sometimes these rooms are used for magical rituals by magicians, with or without the aid of Silvertail's wares.   Despite being a drug house, known addicts are turned away and directed to the Temple of Garlen.   While Silvertail has his own guards, he also pays protection money to the Force of the Eye
Theme park / Entertainment complex
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