Serian's Sanctuary Building / Landmark in Age of Legend | World Anvil
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Serian's Sanctuary

For out-of-town thieves who need a secure place to stay and someone to fence goods, Serian's Sanctuary offers a comfortable place to lay low. While here, clients can also purchase new equipment if they wish. Each room has its own lockable chest, though items can also be stored in the inn's vault if desired, for a small fee. The vault's location is a secret.   There is an unwritten rule here that one does not steal from other patrons while at the Sanctuary. To do so is a death sentence.   There is also a luxurious tavern room here, where Troubadours often perform while charming waiters cater to the patrons' appetites. The over-stuffed couches are comfortable and this is a great place to plan future heists.   The building itself is windowless and heavily guarded both by hired thugs and members of the Force of the Eye . Despite it's air of civility, the patrons here are often extremely dangerous and almost all are wanted for serious crimes somewhere in Bardaive.
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