The Riverboat Building / Landmark in Age of Legend | World Anvil
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The Riverboat

From the outside, this tavern appears to be a T'skrang riverboat, complete with mock fire cannons and rigging. The theme continues inside, with rope ladders extending from the balconies that ring the central room.   The tavern caters, obviously, mostly to t'skrang, and has seen a boom in business in the last few years. Both legitimate boatmen and pirates are known to frequent this tavern and there is an unspoken, but well-understood, cease fire at the tavern. Furthermore, if a t'skrang is being chased by other Namegivers, they can expect the protection of their brothers and sisters while within the Riverboat.   There is a large kitchen specializing in Serpent River fare, such as t'skrang fish. On the second floor, there's an opening to a balcony that runs around the entire common room, and there ar esmall individual rooms and specious communal sleeping rooms outfitted with hammocks. There are also t'skrang prostitutes available for those who might need such things.   Though there are no scheduled performances, clientele often break out in spontaneous song.
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