Prismatic Chamber of the Republic Organization in After the Collapse | World Anvil

Prismatic Chamber of the Republic

The proper name for the senate of the republic, the Prismatic Chamber is both the collective and the hall in which the collective meet.   Senators in the Chamber are expected to wear togas, a traditional form of official dress. Their togas are usually trimmed with the colour of their family, or with an aspect of the Dragon Father they identify with or closely associate with.


The Chamber is comprised of Senators. Senators can hold a number of positions within the Chamber, which grants certain powers and responsibilities. The most well known of these is the Consuls.   There are two Consular positions in the Chamber. They have the power to veto each other, and hold various civil and military duties. Importantly, the consuls are responsible for carrying out the decrees of the Chamber, and serve as chief diplomats to the Republic.   Praetar is another office within the Chamber which holds significant power. There are also two Praetar offices, the Praetar Urbanus which is responsible for Amatar itself, and the Praetar Peregrinus which is responsible for affairs outside of Amatar. For both Praetar, their main duties involve the leadership of military forces in the absence of a Consul and serve as administrative leadership of the Republic, again if the Consuls are absent. The Praetar can also fulfill the role of Judges in the Republic.   Two Quaestor manage public funds for the Republic. These funds are divided between the roads, public buildings, law enforcement, and so on. The Quaestor office is not exceptionally prestigious, but it is vital.   Aedile is one of few positions in the Chamber which is also open to non-senators. Two Aedile come from within the Chamber, while two come from without. The Aedile are responsible for organising the maintenance of public buildings, regulation of festivals, and have some power in enforcing public order. The Aedile work closely with Quaestor offices, as their work is reliant on the availability of funding.   Tribunus is a title that comes in two forms. The first, Plebeian Tribune, is open only to non patrician Dragonborn. It is one of the most important positions in the entire Chamber as it holds the power to veto the entire Chamber - including the Consuls. The Plebeian Tribune is elected by an Assembly of important Dragonborn plebs. The second Tribune is the Tribunus Militum, which number sixteen. This role is something of a cross between a military officer and a political figure, serving in the army as a senior officer but also as a junior Senator in the Chamber. Military Tribune is one of the early stepping stones for Patricians in their Senatorial careers.   The Princeps Aethereum is a highly prestigious rank, selected by vote by the senate as a whole. They have responsibility of presiding over meetings in the Chamber, which includes summoning and adjourning sessions, deciding on agendas, and keeping order within sessions.   Finally, the Dictator position is one used only in rare circumstances. The Dictator is one of the most powerful positions in the Republic, used only in times of emergency. They are granted near unlimited powers, though only in pursuit of certain causes. This might be to win a war or put down a rebellion, to quell sedition, or deal with extraordinary matters - such as the assassination of a Consul. Dictators are expected to relinquish their powers upon their task being completed, or after a six month period. This may have been implemented to prevent too similar an appearance to a figure such as the Prism King.
Governmental, Senate/Parliament
Alternative Names
Prismatic Senate
Head of State
Head of Government
Parent Organization
Related Ethnicities


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