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After the Collapse

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When the Empire came to the Peninsula, they brought knowledge and skill far surpassing that of many of the native cultures. Over five hundred years ago, they took over more than a third of the region within months, and presided over something of a golden age. One day this changed, as we witnessed the Collapse of the Empire - no one knows why, or how, merely that one day a fleet arrived from the west, and bore away the armies of the Empire, leaving their people and realm defenceless. Chaos soon ensued, with much of their fragmenting into squabbling kingdoms and lordships.   After many years of tumult between us, now there is peace for us that remain, but civilisation is a shadow of itself, with travel by sea a fools errand, and the Warderwoods to the north a seemingly never ending barrier. It falls to the brave and foolish of the world, to stave off our foes, and perhaps make a difference. Some have begun to reclaim the lost lands nearest to our home, but it is not an easy, or safe life, out beyond the mountains.   Five realms inhabit the Peninsula, some believing themselves the inheritors of the Empire, others preparing to build their own legends.   The Kingdom of Gathion, a realm of man, led by their ambitious young King Harleon. One of their settlements, Cardun, stands in the valley through the Warden Peaks, while their King prepares himself to tame the Warderwoods and it's inhabitants. Galaed Vala, the heavily forested lands of elvenkind, are led by the Aspects of Magic, though all but two have been missing since the fall of the Empire, along with their other realms. Karzadan Drakar is a small realm above the surface, though their underground city is quite vast, led by King Gruholim, and Surface-King Oren Dwoinen above, with many of their cities across the land lost to time, enemies, and disasters - centuries have been spent on discovering what happened to them, and where they might be. The Torith Magisterium, a realm built on the back of stolen knowledge, is led by the Hall of Magisters, with Lord Galibron Seredir at their head, ever hungering for the secrets that the Empire teased them with. And finally, the Prismatic Republic, a land of Dragonborn, led by its multicoloured senate, are more concerned with pride and politicking than the wider world, led by their consuls bronze Adulat Erobar and black Nezzu Kadan.