Eyesore Character in Aeternia | World Anvil


Number One At Being Number Two

Flesh Artist

Eyesore is a gnoll who has been heavily modified by Vicra Lammergeyer, his former master.   When probing Eyesore's mind, Marvin Undersky got some insight into this character:
Eyesore isn't currently interested in any additional modifications, but he'll get some modifications if he has to, to be better.   Eyesore has been in dark places many times. Down in hallowed halls. Quiet, smelling of bleach and antiseptics. Every time Eyesore fails at something, he is altered (against his will, most of the time) to make sure that doesn't happen again:
  • When Eyesore did something dumb, the next time he awoke, he was smarter.
  • When he could no longer properly survive all these surgeries, he became able to stabilize himself.
It's not a pleasant experience, but he is willing to accept it: Eyesore needs to follow somebody strong. It's a survival instinct.
Eyesore was captured by the adventuring party who were trying to kill Vicra, but they ultimately set him free.

"Head of Heads"

He quickly re-encountered the "Head of Heads", a Beholder whom Vicra had kept locked away in his offices. The Beholder had recently been freed and was trying to get a lair started, but he had run into some dead ends at the beginning, as his initial posse of undead — recovered from Overlook — were very quickly overpowered by some weirdos, and he was forced to make a retreat as their Masterpiece turned to him.   Knowing about that Masterpiece and the rest of W.E.I.R.D., Eyesore saw this as an opportunity to help someone of great power and get in on the ground floor of something big. He told the Beholder what he knew about E.D. and the others, and the pair circled back around to finish what the Beholder had started. When they arrived, however, the adventuring party who had released both of them were there. That dwarf immediately attacked Eyesore, forcing him to retreat towards the more friendly members of the party.   During that encounter, the party managed to get the upper hand on Eyesore's new boss. Eyesore threw one of his teleportation potions to try to bring him back to safety, but he missed, and the party defeated his new boss. The party chastised Eyesore for helping someone so evil, but they ultimately let him go again.



Always thinks he's the smartest one in the room, quick to call everyone and anyone "SO STUPID" when they have any thoughts that don't completely align with his, or "TOO STUPID" to know privileged information that he happens to have, which inevitably leads to him leaking that privileged information.