Twilight Battles

When devs cast images during twilight, the light image cannot exist in the same space as another. The stronger image will prevail. When challenges compete against one another, the goal is to pierce or wound the image cast by the opponents. Inflexible images are stronger, but inflexibility is necessary for movement. - If one competitor's image is a stationary spike and the other's is a tiger, the one casting the tiger is not going to jump onto the spike.   Twilight casting tournaments take a couple of different forms. One is Warrior Casting where casters will project armored warriors carrying weapons. The other is Beast Casting, where animals are projected. In regards to animal image combat, the most common strategy is to have the regular and inflexible weapons of the actual animal be stronger than the rest of it that needs to remain flexible to move. So when casting a tiger, the claws and teeth of the image will be strong and the rest of it will be flexible so that it can move around the opponent's projection.   In theory, the projected image is limited by the caster's imagination, so a tiger tail can grow as long as an anaconda with a spike on the end that stabs the opponent's image. However, this feat of the imagination can only be achieved when accompanied by movements and focus that require intense practice. This can also stretch the tiger caster's imagination thin. Every movement of the image is cast through a movement of the body, so attempting an extraordinary move like this can place the caster in a difficult position to real back from. It has worked on occasion as a surprise attack, but when it fails, it fails spectacularly.   In general, but especially in battle, casters are invested emotionally, physically, and spiritually, in the image they cast. When the image is damaged, the caster feels it as well. The sensation strikes more fiercely the part of the body connected to the part of the image struck. This is by no means fatal, but it does cause a momentary paralysis.   Devs observing a twilight battle also add to the psychic investment in these images, augmenting the overall effectiveness of the battle. The clash of images can be so strong that it even tricks their other senses. If it is clear enough in the battling images, devs will hear the sound of twilight cast swords grinding against each other, or hear a twilight cast snake's hiss. If they know the smell of an elephant and the image of an elephant is being cast, they will smell it in battle. The more people invested in a battle the more alive all their senses will be. Now, if a battle becomes 'too much' for a spectator, then they can disconnect from being willfully fooled, which also means they will not longer be adding their energy to the spectacle. Everything in twilight casting is strategy. A competitor casting a skunk can spray an audience, causing discomfort that makes them immediately snap their attention away from the battle which can disorient and dishearten a competitor's casting of a majestic creature that relied on that reinforced audience participation.   Twilight games are celebrated with multiple strategies in play. The more imagination and cunning the better, as long as players have the moves and focus to keep up with themselves and their competitors.

Articles under Twilight Battles


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