The 100 Isikas Myth in Adijari | World Anvil

The 100 Isikas

There were 100 of the bastards. A consortium of villains of every type of people, spirit, and deities, who after a series of defeats for power they did not deserve, focused their attention on cursing the world as revenge for not letting them become its tyrants. They created 100 items to represent each of them. These Isika had profound curses that were disguised as power. They were made to build armies behind them that would lay waste to the world unless stopped. The magic in these items is as remarkable as it is diabolical. They can change with the times. A weapon with a more modern design has as equal a chance of being an isika. There is additional legend concerning each of the individual isika. Some were made for the purpose of bringing ruin, others were claimed for that same purpose. Magical items made with different motifs were taken by the 100 villains and cast new spells upon it to make it one of theirs. The villains placed the isika in a vault and a couple centuries after the vault is opened, a grand war of wars will come about because of them. The vault has already been opened. The Isika has spread out all over Adijari. They have moved to new owners most suited to the Isika through thievery and murder. In less than two hundred years from now, the Isika will pull their handlers together to conduct a symphony of violence. Our greatest hope is that they are destroyed by heroes who seem them for what they are without having to know the history. It is hard to imagine all the Isika will be destroyed this way, but the destruction of every isika before that day will be triumph measured in the unknowable number of how many that will save.

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