Mashura Naming Ceremony Tradition / Ritual in Adijari | World Anvil

Mashura Naming Ceremony

It is said that inĀ Mashura, the language of existence, that everyone has a true name, and the closer someone's used name is to their Mashura name, the closer they are to their destiny. A person's Mashura name is in flux between the time of their inception and forty days after their birth. In elven and select qui-lahk cultures newborns are not referred to by any name during this time, as it is said to confuse the child's soul. Then, on the fortieth day a naming ceremony is conducted. On the rarest of occasions are children's actual Mashura name discovered, but the ceremony does bring some essence of it into the name that they will use for the rest of their lives. The more skilled the elven druids or qui-lahk shamens that are involved in the ceremony, the closer they come to it. Ceremonies are different in different regions. Elves usually use runes in their ceremonies. Sometimes, parents or guardians will bring in spirits to be part of it. This can be a risky venture. Noble spirits can almost certainly conduct a successfully naming ceremony where the divined name is very close to their Mashura name. In such cases the spirit might ask a boon from the child when they grow up. This is usually not a problem and is a fair trade for the blessing they receive. The risk is that some trickster spirits will imitate others and look for opportunities to be part of a naming ceremony. In that guise they can botch the ceremony and no one will be the wiser, and still demand a future boon. More malevolent spirits can desire a boon that bonds that child's life in some despicable way to the spirit. As with most things concerning spirits, it is best not to involve them unless it is through a trusted and knowledgeable summoner.   The elaborateness of a Mashura naming ceremony depends on how much guardians or parents are willing to invest. The simplest one can involve just three people and be done in less than an hour, while royal ceremonies can involve druidic circles and be four hours long. Because a person's greatness in life is connected to this ceremony, it is one way that class divisions stay divided, and also why some are willing to take greater risks by spending a small fortune to either hire a respected druid or reach out to a spirit.


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