Caerbon Claunkertobom Character in Adar | World Anvil
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Caerbon Claunkertobom

Caerbon Claunkertobom (a.k.a. Carbon)

Caerbon is the naive and optimistic founder of Carbon Copy, a private investigator firm in Lower Neck, Cassopolis.   Caerbon grew up on the streets of Cassopolis along side his "brother", Ren. The two would often get up to trouble, with Caer often stealing food for the two of them, and Ren fending off any other urchins or bullies. After Ren got reqruited by the Defkalion Order and left Cassopolis, Caer had to fend for himself, and briefly ran with The Bridges Guild.   In his early twenties, Caer began to crush on one of the ladies of The Blooming Rose and visited the establishment frequently. During this time, Juana Silvia the madam of the Rose, saw that Caer's skills were wasted on the Bridges, and decided to pay them off so Caer could work for her instead, picking pockets and protecting the ladies. After working for the Rose for several years, Caer made a deal with Madam Silvia which landed him a decent loan, with which he founded the Carbon Copy.

Mental characteristics

Accomplishments & Achievements

Caerbon managed to scrape together enough coin and goodwil to rent a small apartment in Lower Neck, after which he took up a small loan from a mysterious "friend" and registered Carbon Copy as an official organization. The company started by collecting some of the minor bounties around Lower Neck, just enough to cover the rent.   After Ren returned to Cassopolis, Caerbon was quick to bring on his brother as a co-owner, and together they managed to do enough odd jobs to have a positive net gain. Eventually hiring an artist to design their logo and sign, and started taking on more serious PI work.


Contacts & Relations

Having grown up on the streets of Cassopolis, Caerbon is pretty well known amoung the citys lower class. He enjoys walking the stalls and hearing the small talk of town, and has gotten to know several of the regular street vendors. Caerbon is also well known within The Bridges Guikd, and at The Blooming Rose.

Religious Views

Caerbon is an agnostic spiritualist, he believes in the power of gods, and that there is "something" greater than mortals, but he does not believe in the structure of organised religion. "If Sol is allmighty, why would he need a church or employees to spread his word?". Caerbon has also been (unknowingly) attending some Cult of the Sunless sea meetups, and while he is not fully indoctrinated, he does agree that "it just makes more sense that there are more than one".


Caerbon has a couple of routines, on Wednesdays he attends a street barbeque (held by members of the Cult of the Sunless sea ), and on Fridays he visits The Blooming Rose with Daisy, though being as he is, he actually goes there for the theatre, genuinely interested in the story.


Caerbon Claunkertobom


Towards Ren




Towards Caerbon Claunkertobom


Current Status
Looking for a new case
Current Location
Current Residence
Carbon Copy, 32 Basington Street, Lower Neck, Cassopolis
sometimes at the Blooming Rose
39 lbs
Agnostic Spiritualist
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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