Carbon Copy Organization in Adar | World Anvil
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Carbon Copy

The rain pounded the cracked sidewalk, a relentless downpour that masked the cries of the city. Arcane neon signs flicker in the street of a city that never truely sleeps, but merely dozed off in the corners. In a grimy alley of fractured dreams and missing souls, behind a building with more history than hope, a weathered sign swung crookedly in the breeze. The sign offered answers to those who desperatly sought to leave behind the echoes of their despair. The sign proclaming the home of Carbon Copy.
  Carbon Copy is a private detective agency in the city of Cassopolis. Founded by Caerbon Claunkertobom, and co-owned by the enigmatic Ren. Their office is located in the Lower Neck district.


Bank Account held at "First Bank of Cassopolis" in The Crossroads.
Corporation, Business
Notable Members


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