
Mystra (miss-trah) provides for and tends to the Weave, of which she is effectively the embodiment. The Weave is the conduit that enables mortal spell casters and magical crafters to safely access the raw force that is magic. Mystra is also the deity of the possibilities that magic can bring about, making her one of the most powerful beings involved in Abios. Although she favors the ethos of good, she has learned that as deity of magic, she must preserve the Balance. While she can prevent the creation of new spells and magic items that her philosophy opposes, she rarely exercises this ability unless they threaten the Weave or magic in general. Mystra appears as a beautiful human woman with dark, flowing hair and radiant skin.

Clergy and Temples

The Church of Mystra could potentially be very powerful were more wizards and sorcerers devout worshipers of the Lady of Mysteries. Mystra’s followers have lost a great deal of influence as of late due to evil wizards and sorcerers flocking into the arms of Shar.
Clerics of Mystra pick one time of day or night to consistently pray for spells. They celebrate the 15th day of Gaez, the anniversary of the ascension of Mystra from her mortal form, but otherwise have few calendar-related rituals, focusing more on a personal style of worship. For some devout arcane spell casters, this never goes beyond a whispered prayer of thanks with each spell they cast, coupled with some thought as to the moral consequences of its use. Two ceremonies of great personal significance are Starflight and Magefire. The former centers on a fly spell that permits flight for as long as the stars are visible in the sky. It is often used as an initiation when an individual joins the church of Mystra or a celebration when two worshipers are wed. During Magefire, great magic power surges through one’s body, blazing in flickering blue fire as it spills forth in cleansing and renewal. The Hymn to the Lady is a solemn ritual performed mostly at funerals. While the living clergy intone a plainsong dirge, visions arise of dead mages and Mystran clerics; Mystra often inserts her own guiding scenes.
Mystran clergy work hard to preserve all magical lore so that magic can flourish in the future regardless of what befalls the thinking races of Abios or the powers of the planes. They maintain secret libraries, private safe holds, well-guarded research laboratories, and small, hidden stashes. Mystrans also search out beings skilled in spell use and keep watch on the power and behavior of individuals likely to become magic-wielders of importance. The clergy actively seek out sources of old magic, often from tombs, dangerous ruins--even liches. They consider it more crucial to know the precise location of artifacts and items of magical power than to possess them, but wherever possible, they work to wrest control of such things from the aggressively evil, the irresponsible, and the unsound of mind. All clergy of Mystra are expected to devise their own new magic (whether it be spells or items) upon gaining sufficient experience. In this way, magical study remains a growing, vibrant thing, and magic is not merely seen as a handy tool for rulers and engineers to tame Abios, but remains a thing of wonder.
Temples of Mystra can be almost any size and style of structure; some shrines are natural caves or grottoes. All are living works of art--or rather, Art--raised with magic and en wrapped in countless spells. Most are filled with magic items, many of which are of an esoteric rather than practical nature. Most include an open central courtyard in which daily services are held and from which one can see the stars at night or a magical representation of them. Lesser rooms house libraries of magical lore or serve as work shops and laboratories for experimentation in the Art. Sites dedicated to the deity are enhanced by the Weave to augment spellcasting power. Any spells cast within by her clerics can benefit from one met magic feat without needing to take up a higher level spell slot; the benefit ends if the recipient leaves the location of the temple.
The ceremonial garb of Mystran clerics consists of simple blue robes, sometimes trimmed with white, accented by a cloak of deep blue in colder climates. Some form of blue headgear is required, though this may range from a plain skullcap to wide, ornate hats and helms.
All wielders of magic and seekers after arcane lore of any race are welcome in the service of Mystra. The hierarchy of the Mystran faith is wide and varied, separating into orders concentrating on one form of magical energy. Relations between the various orders and subgroups of the faith are very good. Both divine and arcane spell casters fill its ranks without regard to experience level or origin. The general rule of the Mystran faith is that talent and ability outweigh social rank or legendary feats.
The church also sponsors a small order of rangers, and an assembly of bards. The rangers, known as the Order of the Shooting Star, serve as long-range scouts and spies for the church. They also deal with magical threats against the natural order of things, such as unloosed fiends and creatures born of irresponsible arcane experimentation. Bards of the Children of the Starry Quill often work as information gatherers and rumormongers for the church or spend time in libraries unearthing magical knowledge and preserving it for posterity.

History and Relations

Mystra’s customary adviser is Azuth, although the Lord of Spells is less close than he used to be. Savras and Velsharoon, who thus indirectly report to Mystra as well, serve Azuth. The Mother of All Magic maintains close alliances with deities of knowledge, as well as the deities of magic in other pantheons, including Corellon Larethian. Although she still hates Cyric with a passion and views the rise of Bane with burgeoning hatred, Mystra’s chief antagonist is Shar. Shar secretly created the Shadow Weave long ago in response to Selûne's creation of Mystra and the Weave (to which Shar inadvertently contributed as well). Mystra sees Shar’s actions as a direct threat to her own portfolio and a grave danger to the integrity of the Weave, and her ties with Selûne are strong and growing. It is Mystra’s aim to eventually subsume the Shadow Weave into her own portfolio, even if that means sacrificing her last remaining vestiges of humanity and inherent goodness and absorbing more of the darkness that is Shar.


Love magic for itself. Do not treat it just as a weapon to reshape the world to your will. True wisdom is knowing when not to use magic. Strive to use magic less as your powers develop, for often the threat or promise of its use outstrips its actual performance. Magic is Art, the Gift of the Lady, and those who wield it are privileged in the extreme. Conduct yourself humbly, not proudly, while being mindful of this. Use the Art deftly and efficiently, not carelessly and recklessly. Seek always to learn and create new magic.
The Teachings of Mystra

Divine Classification
Greater Deity
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • The Lady of Mysteries
  • The Mother of All Magic
  • The Lost Goddess
Circle of seven stars, nine stars encircling a flowing red mist, or a single star
Neutral Good
Dweomerheart, Mystra's shining city of magic on the plane of Elysium
Magic, spells, the Weave
Good, Illusion, Knowledge, Magic, Rune, Spell
Favored Weapon
Seven whirling stars (shuriken)
Cleric Alignments
Alchemists, bards, sages, sorcerers, wizards

Additional Reading

Character | Jul 28, 2018

Kelemvor is the latest in a long line of Abian deities to command the forces of death and oversee the fate of the dead

Character | Aug 3, 2018

Shar reflects the primal dark, the flawless void erased at the beginning of time by a distant, unconcerned over deity. She schemes from the shadows to tear down establishments, destroy order, and undermine all creation.

Character | Feb 27, 2019

Velsharoon is the Archmage and god of Necromancy. Velsharoon is a vain, selfish, petty, but very canny deity consumed with vengeance, obsessed with experimenting on living and dead beings, and unconcerned with the fates of lesser creatures.

Character | Oct 1, 2018

Savras is an old god of arcane spellcasters in the southeast who shares much of the same portfolio as mages in the service of Mystra. He is indifferent to the actions of Velsharoon, and spends the bulk of his efforts unmasking the lies of Cyric.

Character | Apr 21, 2018

Known as the Dark Sun, the Prince of Lies delights in spinning webs of deception that lead both mortals and deities to their ruin and pit friends and lovers against one another.


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Jan 24, 2019 19:51 by R. Dylon Elder

I love her. Sorry it's taking me so long to get back to you. Life goes busy and I forgot but I'm here. You were kind enough to look through my legions so here we go. Duality deities are some of my favorite. They seem so much more realistic. I do notice that you don't say much about her specifically as you do her followers. (by the by when you do the starry quill send that my way cause the only thing I love more than deities would be bards.) I'm curious about what myths she has and what new magic she has suppressed and what she has not suppressed as well. Why is she and the lord of spells not as close? I feel like there is so much more I could know. I hope I'm not bugging with the questions. Im curious.

Jan 25, 2019 16:18 by SirElghinn

No need to apologize and no, you're not bugging. Mystra is not an original creation of mine, by any stretch of the imagination. She has been a deity within Dungeons & Dragons for quite some time. I could potentially spend hours upon hours building WorldAnvil articles on her and her followers, but there's really no need as I borrow a lot from her lore that is already developed.   What I tend to do is give a brief outline of who the individual is, and give details about their followers. Then I make any modifications I need to make that makes her 'fit' into my Homebrew world. I also leave quite a bit un-written since I don't want my players to be too spoiled with details before they've had the opportunity to discover it for themselves within the game.   I am planning on making the Children of the Starry Quill article soon, as I think I can hook one of my players into joining, so stay tuned. And thank you so much for taking a look at my world, I appreciate it.

Jan 25, 2019 16:34 by R. Dylon Elder

Of course. I would like to see one that's yours. Any recommendations? I'll keep an eye out for the bards as well and of course, it was long overdue.

Jan 25, 2019 16:43 by SirElghinn

The Forgotten Realms Wiki is a great resource for more information on the deities and their followers within the Forgotten Realms World (which my homebrew is loosely based upon).