Khadem Brin Character in Abios | World Anvil

Khadem Brin

Written by SirElghinn

Khadem Brin is the Helmsman of the Anellas. A native of Xeshana, he sought to free himself of the tyranny of the Dominion and Setite Wizards at an early age, and fled to neighboring Savesris. There he grew up working in the port of Woreem first as a dockhand, and eventually gaining enough experience to become a skilled seaman.
He was found by Captain Enwen Adrel in 2269 within a dive tavern along the dock district of Woreem, drunk, and feeling down on his luck after losing employment due to his previous Captain drinking himself to the grave. After a night of drinking and deep conversation, Enwen hired him on the spot, and they set sail the next morning.
Though he is 57 years old, thanks to his elven heritage, he appears youthful and acts similar to a quiet human in his early twenties. A man of few words, he tends to listen to others speak more than contributing to the conversation -- though he has been known to open up after a few bottles.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Helmsman of the Anellas
Year of Birth
2215 57 Years old
Current Residence
Light Amber
Light Reddist-Brown, Short Dredlocks
175 lbs
Aligned Organization
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