The Grand Plateau Geographic Location in Abholos | World Anvil
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The Grand Plateau

Elevated 16,000 feet from sea level, with coarse dirt and dead trees stained around the land. The Grand Plateau is home to ogre settlements, mostly. However, there is other settlements belonging to Giants, Orcs, Lycanthropes, and the occasional Gargoyle and Bularre . Many people who hear of the Grand Plateau, or see it on maps, just believe it to be a vast, untouched place of little to no interest. However, this land used to thrive with nature, only to be scourged of it by the conflicts of giants. What seemed to be a never ending war between behemoths of great size.
  A great battle was struck here, though. A war between giants. Ones of flaming might and others of frostbitten deception. Most giants in this war would engage in skirmishes in just to gain meaningless territory. This was mostly from Giants born of Hill, Stone, Cave, and Cacus Descent. These giants would be seen as cannon fodder, the stronger and more intelligent giants had manipulated them into doing meagre tasks for them. The real contenders in this war are the Blood Giants, masterful schemers that would sell their skills and prowess to those who allowed them, which had preserved the species into having Bloodfray Giants become a well renowned species. They'd either side with Fire Giants, or Frost Giants.

The Two Sides

  A spark of fire cast by a Troll would ignite the wars of The Grand Plateau. A troll by the name of Kristoff would assume control of a powerful Golem. Originally built to aid Fire Giants in acquiring materials in small, tucked away holes. Kristoff, using a curse of control, had ambushed a group of Frost Giants, using the golem as a makeshift explosive. This ended up collapsing a powerful artefact belonging to the Frost Giant, it would also kill 5 noble members to one of the clans of the East. The Frost Giants would see this as a direct attack from their fellow giants. Both sides would begin launching attacks on each other, the Fire Giants doing it as they had done nothing wrong, only defending their land, until their maniacal tendencies kicked in. Once the Frost Giants saw that they were deceived, their main goals were simply to defend themselves. Blood giants would see this opportunity to gain money and supplies, acting as tacticians for both sides.

Notable Persons


Troll-King Kristoff

The Troll that started the war. Kristoff was a leader of a Troll town. The green-skinned fellow would be an expert in mechanics, and arcana. Although the tasks was dangerous, his troll genetics made him thrive for these antics. Regenerative capabilities allowed him to infuse his lost limbs with arcane sigils, in one instance he had caused his old arm to curse an Orc camp. During the War, Kristoff would be kidnapped by the Frost Giants. He is currently held in the prison realm Carceri. His fate is yet to be decided. Frost Giant warlords are arguing over execution, or if he should be used to fight against the Fire Giants, currently, in case a war occurs once again.
Included Locations
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Inhabiting Species


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