World Encyclopedia of Virosia in A Mythmaker's Guide to Virosia

Magic & Spells

  Knowledge of Mythral is as hard to come by as the stone itself, given almost exclusively to the elite of any given realm. The only known catalyst for true magic in Virosia, Mythral can be both a curse and a blessing for more reasons than one.  


Commerce & Trade

  Besides the standardized Coins of The Virosian Realms, a number of specialized currancies exist. Most belong only within the borders of their creator's realm, but some, like the Velkan, are traded between realms.  


Culture & Art



Deities, Religion and Spirits

  The spirits that are believed to have played a part in Virosia's creation still walk the earth. Their mere existence disproves for many that anything along the lines of a true god does not exist, as if they did, why would the spirits exist? Despite this, others pry at the boundaries of existence for what might lay beyond.  
  • Vulkjornn



  Myths are an important cultural cornerstone for the cultures of Virosia. Each have their own set of legends including monsters, morals and outlandish adventures of questionable believability.    
