Mythraleviatha in A Mythmaker's Guide to Virosia | World Anvil


Monsters of Stone and Crystal

  The general term applied to monsters that emerg from mythral geodes is Mythraleviatha. These creatures are of mythical terror to those charge with the extraction of mythral, and take numerous forms. Numerous subcategories of mythraleviatha exist, but they all consist of a few similar traits; the creatures are loosely insectoid in shape, many legged, move very fast, and sense sar intrinsically. They seem to feast more ferociously on those that pass sar through their bodies more frequently, and are often found where magic is sourced: in or near mythral geodes.  
"We can do nothing, can we? We're going to die here. It's nothing to worry about, I suppose we all must go in some fashion. I am resigned to it, then. If it is by fate ordained, then I shall not deign to object Vissicara. If only it could have been something of this world, though, or perhaps a dream. When I die in my nightmares, I at least wake afterwards." - Vindiscarl Molokir, Knight-Vindicus of Oede
  Mythraleviatha are the primary deterrent to those that would think of mining mythral. Though rarely seen or spoken of, those that say they have witnessed such a creature and have lived to tell of it speak not lightly. The abject horror they wring from their victims is attached tightly to their legend. Almost all depictions of the beasts by witnesses or from description by witness portray something different yet the same, leading to some that believe their form is created by your mind, and that the true fear is crafted by what lies within the beholder.  


  Some refer to the creatures as cursebearing entities. As creatures of living mythral, it is seen that what they touch can become afflicted by the mythral curse, like normal mythral. Thus, when they are released from their geodes, they might escape into the wilderness and afflict the wildness with the curse. Groves where they make their nests can be determined from a distance because of the earth, flora and fauna being corrupted, turning leaves crystalline, bark rigid, and the air itself takes on the tang of mythral.   When the creatures strike their prey, the wounds fester with the curse. Some kinds of mythraleviatha produce worse curses than others, but it's difficult to avoid the corruption when attempting to slay them. Many that would have otherwise survived an encounter with the monsters succumb to the curse sometime after their encounter.  

Efficient Hunters

  As predators, mythraleviatha have not been seen to be picky eaters. They have their preference and priorities, that being those that are more suffused with sar, but outright rejecting a meal isn't something they do. They are known to be difficult to slay for a number of reasons, most often because of their size and power, though not all mythraleviatha are large beasts. Some get by simply by their intelligence.   They are seen to use a variety of stratetgies to catch pray. They have been known to construct pit traps in forested and snowy regions, fell trees, poison prey's food with mythral, strike to curse and then flee, and even mimic the voice of people to lure them into their traps.