Velkazar in A Mythmaker's Guide to Virosia | World Anvil


Mobiles Fonts of Energy

  Velkazar are Velkan that have been specifically crafted to release their energy slowly under the right circumstances. Originally created as more or less batteries for Adzir, these gemstones were soon adapted for uses other than automata, namely and prolifically, light fixtures in Fjorladdr. Other simple automata that were not Adzir also came to fruition, though the act of artistic creation using Velkazar is still rare due to their extreme expense and governmental regulations.   While Velkan only have the option to expend all of their energy in an extremely inefficient fashion, Velkazar can used to create what is essentially a direct stream of the Veil's energy for use by objects designed to harness that energy. There is currently no way to inhibit spellstorm interference with Velkazar use, and this is one of the main reasons for the more prolific use of Velkazar. Due to the volatile nature of the Veil's activity, a continuous stream that is interrupted for any reason can create instant and disasterous results.