Helmlanders Ethnicity in A dance of orc's and elves | World Anvil
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The North Men

I recommend the empire sends at least five more legions to deal whit this uprising! For this north men are not like other barbarians the empire has had to deal whit before! This men, and women for they allow there wife's to fight, are not only savage and brutal. They are also well armed and well trained.   To fight a horde of helmlander clans is like fighting a imperial legion that has the savage rage of wild beasts! Under normal circumstances I could reason whit one or two of there Jarls. Perhaps even get them to fight one another, but now that the Imperator has outlawed there heathen gods. Their rage seams demonic.   And their clan shamans whip the people into even more of a frenzy! I need more men, and I need them two month ago! If the Imperator does not send more legions soon the northern frontier will be lost for all time.   /General Kraxus Garion reporting to the Prefect of the North

Mainstays of the Culture

Helmlander culture is a warrior based civilization centered around five ideas that define them as a people. This ideas are, the saga, the clan, the freemen, the thralls and the jarls.  

The Saga

The saga is what drives most helmlanders in all of their actions. Your saga is the story of the person you are, the person the world and the gods will remember, or forget. All helmlanders want to be recalled as heroes or at least as great persons. Helmlanders want respect and admiration from there fellows, and this is the reason the saga is so important.   To a helmlander its better to die fighting a fight they know they wont win just for the chance that their battle will be remembered. But its not just about your saga, but all other sagas. Helmlanders love storytelling, as a people that write little the ability to tell a good story is highly regarded. And the north men often honor bards and poets as highly as there great warriors.   For, reason the helmlanders, in the end we are all just parts in one great story. Mortals as well as gods, so you better get yourself a good roll and play it well.  

The Freemen

Around half of all helmlanders are freemen. The freemen are the warriors, land owners, craftsmen and elite of their civilization. Interestingly the north men never truly inherit positions. Even tho there often is a tradition of choosing the firstborn of the last chieftain to take their places after their death it is not a given. This is in part because of the saga, all rolls in the story has to be taken by the individual.   Freemen are however given some rights and responsibility's do to their standing. First of Freemen get to vote on whom is the become the clans chieftain. They also get to cast votes on Jarl and Kings moots. They also get total freedom of movement and the right to found new clans whit other freemen. (Tho there has been no new clans for hundreds of years.)   Freemen family's are also expected to send at least one warrior to defend the clan in times of need. They are also expected to pay a yearly tribute to the clan. Said tribute may be payed in coins, livestock, food or other goods.  

The Clan

This extended family's are the backbone of helmlander society. All clans have a chieftain chosen by the freemen from among the freemen. This post is held for life. A chieftain has a great number of duties, for he/she is. The clans general, arbitrator of the law, head diplomat for the clan and chief trader. As no one person can do all this things at once most chieftains chose confidants to deal whit one or more of this duties.   Such roles are more often then not given to spouses, children, siblings or close friends. Regardless the clan works like a confederation of freemen family's that can join or leave the clan at will. As long as there is another clan willing to take said family's in. In times when a ruling, or battle plans, are needed the people turn to the chieftain. His word is seen as final, but if enough of the freemen disagree a ruling might well be changed. Or the unpopular chieftain might find himself killed by a rival.   This strange mix of democracy and dictatorship makes helmlander politics very dangerous. A strong chieftain is often strong because, he/she has a strong inner circle. And if one of those close to such a leader dies or betrays them, things can change fast. Tho it most be said that most helmlanders prefers to fight other clans or other peoples then their own. Those many chieftains turn rivals in to ally's by simply asking them to fight someone ells.  

The Thralls

Thralls are slaves but not slaves. They are slaves in the sense that the clan owns them. They belong to the freeman family that toke them, or their ancestors, captive. They are the main work force of the clan and are not allowed to move or own things. But they are also seen as members of the clan.   They can not be sold and killing a thrall is just as much a crime as killing a freeman. Thralls are seen as a extension of the family and are often take very good care of. There are even causes where poor freemen have given themselves up to become a rich freeman's thrall to survive. Thralls can become free either by being freed by their masters or by fighting to protect their clan.  

The Jarls

Helmlander nation states are made up of a number of clans all swearing loyalty to a Jarl. The title of Jarl can be held by any freeman or women, who is elected at a Jarls moot. This moots are called upon a Jarls death or if a majority of chieftains demands one. At the moot the highest ranking freemen of all the nations clans gather to chose a new jarl from among themselves.   Most of the time the man, or women, chosen is a clan chieftain. In this case the Jarl will have both titles at once, and their clans hall will be the seat of power in the nation. There are however times when a freeman whom is not a clan chieftain is chosen to become the nations leader. In this case the Jarl will more often then not travel the land taking the seat of power whit them. As this makes it hard to have a capital many helmlander nations tend to be ruled by a few clans whom own the greater city's of the land.   The roll of the Jarl is the same as a chieftains only on a national level. A Jarl is the sovereign of a helmlander nation and is expected to lead the army's of said nation in war. As well as speak for the nations interests internationally. It is the Jarls roll to protect the people from threats and crime. In return the clans pay tribute to the Jarl and send their warriors when he/she commands them.   There is only one title higher among the helmlanders. And it is the title of king. Like all position of power it is a elected one, but it is next to never given to anyone. As the King of the Helmlanders are king of all helmlander nations, and no one has be given that great honor since Haaur Redwolf.  

Ethnic Features

Helmlanders are a tall and massive in their built by human standard. Their skin is fair, often over the border to pale. They have long straight hair. Said hair comes in a number of colors, such as brown, blond, red or in rear cases black.   They have blue, brown or green eyes. Their lips are thin and they have high cheekbones. They are also more often then not broad-shouldered and tend to grow a belly at middle age.  

Non Human Integration

Helmlanders treat all mortals the same. A thrall is a thrall, no matter if his a human or orc. And a freeman is a freeman, human as troll.  

Elven Relations

For their own part the helmlanders do not treat elves any different they any other mortal. Which is most likely why most elven cultures look down on most helmlanders. As they see themselves as the descendents of the gods.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

A few examples:
Hilda, Gudrun, Malvis, Hildefrid, Frigg, Ann, Asplöv, Annelid, Sara, Siv, Vilda, Ulla and so on.

Masculine names

A few examples:
Harald, Rangnar, Haaur, Erik, Eurk, Gunnar, Fjodor, Selje, Telje, Tor, Loke, Alfred, Durnard, Ulf, Jharl and so on.

Family names

Helmlanders don't really have family names. Instead they have surnames that are more often then not earned through deeds in combat or a description of its owner. Only formally do helmlanders refer to someone as son/daughter of <father name>.

Clan names

Helmlander clans are often named by their first chieftain. More often then not after a animal or action. For example:
Wolf Clan, Dragon Slayer Clan, Red Raiders Clan, Snowlion Clan and so on.


Major language groups and dialects

Helmlanders speak a handful of tongues. Most of them only speak the tongue of their own people. As a warrior people they feel that the only language they truly need to get by in the outside would is the law of the sword and ax.
  • Norstugg - The tongue of the helmlanders
  • The Common Tongue - A mix of Alduranian and Imperium Scriptor
  • Alduranian - The language of the Alder

Culture and cultural heritage

The helmlander civilization has its roots in the Imperatorias expansion in the north. The local tribes of the region could not withstand the legions of the Old Empire. Or the imperatoria settlers that came i a number of waves.   Most of said settlers where war veterans whom wanted to get away from Old Empires conflict whit the Rakh'Guals to the east. Those this hard skinned men of the empire came to live a hard, but relatively peaceful live in the north lands. And there they in time intermingle whit the folk of the northwest.   This tribes where the Reaxton. A nomadic people whom roamed the frozen wastes of the High Hold tundra and the frozen islands of Reax. From them the helmlanders love for the hunt and struggle come. For they hunted the great whales and sea-lions or the north sea. They where a folk where the role of warrior and hunter where one in the same and all where hunters.   To the southwest of the Reaxton lived the Nornuu of Nornum Land. They where a people of the sea that often sailed far and wide to tread, and pillage. Nornuu lived in simple village clans that fought almost as often as they traded whit one another. A people whit out any laws and little use for honor the settlers showed them a better way to deal whit one another. And the Nornuu showed the imperatoria how to build long ships.   Lastly, but far from least, where the Tyrgan to that lived on along the northeast coastline so far north as the High Hold mountains and so far south as the bay of Eurk. Eurk had in local legends been a great hero whom had built the first stronghold of the Tyrgan. They where in many ways like their neighbors to Nornuu except that they where clan chieftains where ruled by a Jarl. A chief of chiefs that ruled, kept the peace and lead the people in battle.   All of this tribes where changed by the imperatoria settlers but more then this. As they all became ruled by the Old Empire the four people could move whit more freedom and their customs rub of on the ethnic groups of the region until they became one people. And the love of story's? That came from all of the three nordic tribes. For they seldom wrote and in the dept of winter there where few things for them to do but tell tales by the fire.

Shared customary codes and values

The helmlanders follow a warrior code called the "Law of Sword and Ax". This code shape all of their politics. (More coming soon)

Common Etiquette rules

Helmlanders care extremely little for etiquette or protocols. But they do as all human civilizations use certain gestures when greeting one another.  

Greetings and Gestures

Most of the time helmlanders touch one another as often as they can. But some older customs from before the fall of the Old Empire still linger.  


Are greeted whit the right hand lifted palm forward to the level of a persons eyes. This gesture clearly shows that the right hand is holding on weapon and that you come in peace.  

Family and Friends

Friends and ally's are most often greeted whit a warriors handshake. In this handshake both party's grab the others full lower right arm and shakes it. Often accompanied by back patting. Closer friends and family is hugged.   Lover most commonly kiss, it is indeed seen as odd if two lovers don't kiss when reunited.  

Meeting a chieftain or jarl

When coming before a person of great power among the helmlanders their are few rules. Helmlanders do not bow or kneel. But a common practice is to pull a weapon and present it hilt first to said chieftain/jarl as a sign of loyalty or respect. The one thing one should not do is try and initiate physical contact.  

At Parleys

See strangers.  


Both arms are crossed over the head, which is bowed, and the palms are open. This shows that you are holding no weapons and are accepting to have your hands bound.

Common Dress code

How a helmlanders dresses has much to do whit his/her role in society. A freeman would never dress as a thrall. Nor would a warrior dress as a shaman and so on. But there are some conformity to all helmlander clothing. For example, the more colors you where the richer you are. Furs are most common place, especially in winter. And most where long boots made from thick leather.  


Thralls dress in humble and simple cloths. Even when a thrall does good for him, or her, self do they wear any cloths that are colored. Only if they are freed may they wear colored cloths.  


Depending on how rich they are a freeman, or women for that matter, will wear as much or as little colored cloth they can afford. All fully grown men and women of a clan also have a bronze armring. Which they swear loyalty to their chieftain. Warriors also always carry a weapon in their belt to show of their trade. In the same way a smith carry his hammer in his belt, a hunter carries his hunting knife, a seamstress her needle and thread, etc.  


Shamans are dressed in noting but animal skins and wear collars made from animal bone. The exception to this rule are the apprentice of a shaman. As they are dressed as a thrall, whit only a bone collar to separate the two from one another. This skins and bones all come from sacrifices made to the gods.  

Chieftains, Jarls and Kings

Are clothed like most freemen, except fot the fact that most of this leaders of helmlander culture also carry collars made from silver or gtold. Often set whit jewels, the teeth of mighty beasts or holy runes. Often all of this things are true and many of this elit members of a helmlander nation carry more then one of this collars at once. Each one representing a different part of the power, such as their clan, high ranking family and jarldom.

Art & Architecture

Nearly all helmlander houses are made out of timber whit wood-chip roofs. In design most helmlander houses are square's whit two short sides at each end and two long sides. In both ends of the house* their is a door and a small window above it. (More coming soon)   *Often called a longhouse as it is long.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals


One of the most common punishments dealt by clan chieftains for more serious crimes. It is a greater form of exile, which also is a punishment tho seen as a lesser one, for someone whom is outlawed is not only cast out of the clan. But is also marked as a person that is outside of the law. This means that killing a outlaw is not seen as murder, nor is any crime made against a outlaw seen as a crime. To make sure that all know that a person is a out law the clan will brand that person on both cheeks. This brand is the helmalnder rune for the letter "L" standing for the norstugg word: "Ljugare" which means "liar".  

Outcast Clans

This are and are not true clans. They are clans in the sense that it is formed by freemen and run in the same way a normal clan is run. But it is not as a true clan as all of its members are outlawed men and women whom have no where ells to turn. The best such a clan can hope for is that another helmlander nation will invade and one of their clans adopts them after serving them in combat. But this seldom happens as outlaw clans are seen as scavenger and murderers not worthy of trust.   Most of the time this clans make a living by praying on travelers as common bandits. Some leave their homeland behind to seek employment as mercenaries.  

Wrestling and other blood sports

Helmlanders love to wrestle, throw axes or spears or play fight whit sticks. This bloody games are often started at celebrations or feasts. It is even said that all good feasts need at least one broken nose, two dances and three good songs to not be a dull affair.  


It is sometimes ruled by a chieftain that a conflict between two freemen should be resolved by fate. Other times a freeman might challenge another to a duel over any reason. Duels are next to never refused as that would be seen as a show of weakness. It is not unheard of that a freeman challenges his chieftain, or even jarl, over the right to rule. In all cases the winner is seen as favored by the gods and wins the right of any claims.   All helmlanders duels are fought whit no armor and both fighters are to use the same weapons and a shield. Non may aid the two fighters and if one of them loses their weapon or shield non may try and give them a new weapon or shield. A duel is over when one of the two fighters yields or dies. Tho few helmlanders ever yield and most duels are to the death.  

Blood feuds

Are a common part of helmlander live and politics. Freemen family's often remember the family whom wronged them in the past or whom they fought in some war. Most duels are in someway connected whit a blood feud. Even the helmlanders love of the sagas seam to fuel this feuds as the other family becomes more and more monstrous villeins in the family tale.  

The Shamans Path

From time to time clan shamans will take on a apprentice. This young man or women will from early childhood be groomed to become a new shaman. Only the shamans themselves truly know what the training contains, all that can be said is that it takes time.   Much of which is spent in the wilderness. In and around rune stone circles. And we do know that helmlander shamans traffic whit djins and maras. And we also know that many of them drink blood elixirs and the juice and seed of the Viras tree.  

The Jarls Journey

Of this journeys we know much more. Many young freemen, and freewomen, go on long journeys to see the world and have adventurers. Most helmlander mercenaries are youngsters out on their jarls journey. They do this to gain wealth as well as making their saga more interesting.   This is a relatively new custom as some of the old ways of the helmlanders has gone somewhat out of style. The old tradition of yearly raids is slowly dying out as the Nadrac Imperium grows to even include some of the helmlander nations.  


Most helmlanders are illiterates. In part because half of them are thralls and thralls are only taught how to do their work. But also because that the knowledge of their peoples rune letters is seen as a form of magic. Those only shamans and the highest elite of the freemen are taught how to read and wright.   All children are taught how to count and the craft of their family. Most children follow in the footsteps of their kin. Children are learned a craft by a parent, uncle, aunt or grandparent. Those smith family's teach their children how to smith and farming family's teach their children how to farm.

Birth & Baptismal Rites

At childbirth the clan shaman, or the grandmother to be, sacrifices a female animal and paints the pregnant woman's belly whit the sacrificed animals blood. This is a form a trade whit the gods. They get the dead animal and in return they allow both mother and child to live.

Coming of Age Rites

When children react a the age of 13 they are given a spear and a bow. After that there one of their parents makes a mark made of mud on their forhead. And tells them to go hunting. To be allowed back home they most track down and kill a best of the wild alone.   When the child returns whit there first own kill a parent, or clan shaman, paints there face whit blood from there kill. After this baptism in blood there true helmlanders.

Funerary and Memorial customs

Helmlanders burn there dead on great pyres in the center of there village. Afterwards the family of the dead cover themselves in the ashes of there loved one. This ashes stay on them for a minimum of five days. If the ashes are removed sooner the deceases spirit will not find rest and may come back to haunt the village.

Common Taboos

The following are the seven great taboos among helmlanders. Taboos that often lead to exile or death.   Becoming a widows lover - This is seen as shameful and unmanly, if you are a man that is. The exception to this is if you are a women. This is because its also seen as a insult to the dead husbands memory if his women takes another man.   Killing a foe whit poison - This is a most baleful act and is seen as a insult to not only the murdered person, but the gods themselves. To kill whit poison is a cowards way to face once foes. Those found guilty of this crime is not only killed but their body is not burned but hung on a tree in the forest for the scavenger.   Killing a guest that has eaten your food - Doing this is the break whit the laws of the gods. Those whom are found guilty of this are made outlawed by the clan.   Raping or killing a child - This is seen as a act of pure evil and is there for punished whit great vengeance. The child's family get to break the offenders bones whit sticks. After this the offender is left bleeding and often near death in the wood. If this person somehow lives, they are seen as a demon and killed whit arrows.   Refusing a gift from a family member or close ally - This is one of the worst insults a helmlander can make towards another helmlander that does not end in death. Doing this is seen as a declaration of a blood feud.   Raping or killing a pregnant women - This is seen as a act of pure evil and is there for punished whit great vengeance. The woman's family get to break the offenders bones whit sticks. After this the offender is left bleeding and often near death in the wood. If this person somehow lives, they are seen as a demon and killed whit arrows.   Refusing to wear the ashes of a departed family member after their burning - This is seen as the greatest insult you can give anyone. As it could lead to the clan being haunted by the dead persons spirit the one whom refuses to do this is more often then not exiled.


Beauty Ideals

Long hair and braids are seen as a sign of the gods favor. As are beards. Helmlanders love there long flowing locks in short. Bald men are there for seen as lesser men among the helmlanders.

Gender Ideals

Among the helmlanders women and men are in many ways equals. Both can chose there own path in life. Women can fight in there wars and men can rise the children while his women is of raiding. But men have some freedoms women do not have.   For one men may take a so called Loot Wife besides there True Wife. Women may have many lovers before she marries, but is after that expected to be faithful to her husband.   For another a widower is expected to get remarried, while a widow is expected to remain unmarried for the rest of her days.   Any women, or man for that matter, found out to be unfaithful are cast out of the clan and made outlawed.

Courtship Ideals

Courtship among helmlanders takes no predetermined paths. All men and women are free to chose there own lovers and later spouse. Only during times of hardship do Jarls command there children in to marriage for the sake of alliances.

Relationship Ideals

Helmlanders put much in to a individuals worthiness. There for both individuals in a relationship most be worthy the other. That and faithfulness are the two things helmlanders look for in a lover.   Side note: The helmlanders are one of only a few cultures that are perfectly fine whit homosexuality.

Major organizations

(Coming soon)
Parent ethnicities
Encompassed species

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