
Restructuring the Codex

We are currently moving articles around and changing the general structure of the Codex. Please come back later if you get lost!

Guild Exclusive

This is a guild-only feature. To get access, Join the Worldbuilder's Guild!

You can let other people edit your world from their World Anvil accounts adding them as authors of your world. There are three author ranks:


Writer can create articles as drafts, but they can't publish them nor edit existing articles. They can't view private content unless they are also a subscriber.
  Advanced writers can additionally keep editing their articles even after they have been published.


Editors can create articles and publish them, and they can also edit existing content. They have access to all private content, including secrets.


Co-owners not only can create and edit any kind of content, but they can also edit your world's configuration, the world CSS and manage access rights. Make sure you trust your co-owners!

  This page explains how to add and manage the authors of your world.

Add an author

First, access the Access Rights page. You can do so from the Access Rights page, which you can find in the left side bar:

Access Rights links

  Once there, click on the Authors option. The right side bar of this page will look like this:

add author editor

  Type the username of your co-author (double-check for typos!) and choose the rank you want them to have. If you miss, you can always revoke their author access. Click the Add new Author button and, once the page reloads, you will see your new author on this same page:

author list

  In order to have an advanced writer, choose the "Writer" option in the drop-down and click Add new Author. Then, look for the write name in the authors list and click on the Make Advanced button. It should look like this:

  Congratulations! :) you now have somebody who can help you build your world. Your friend will find your world among the list of their worlds on their Dashboard. If you need to, you can always revoke your author's access clicking on the "Revoke access" button.




Do my authors need to be Guild members?
No, they don't need to. The number of authors you can have depends on your Guild membership level.
Will my co-authors get Guild features?
Your co-authors will not become Guild members, but they will get access to the same features you have access to within the context of your world. For example, they will get access to the CSS, private articles and Chronicles of the world they are co-authors of, but will not have access to guild features on their own worlds without their own guild membership. Co-authors will not have access to manuscripts or increased storage limits for worlds they are coauthors of, as these are per account, not per world.
Can my authors "go rogue"?
That depends on the rank you give them. Co-owners can change all your world settings, so it's recommended you are careful with this permission. Editors can delete any articles. Writers can only delete the articles they have created (and can't access the edit interface of any other article).
How many authors can I have?
This depends on your Guild rank. Journeymen, the lowest rank, have 2 author slots. Please note that these slots count for all your worlds (i.e. If you have two author slots, you can have two in a single world or one in two different worlds, but not two in each world).
Can I change the authorship of an individual article?
If you are a Grandmaster Guild Member (or above), yes! There is a Select new author box in the sidebar of all article edit pages. Choose one of your co-authors from the dropdown and click the Change Author. You can use this feature to change who appears as the author in the metadata of the article.

See also

Generic article | Oct 29, 2023

Are you hiding things and keeping secrets? Well, your subscribers can read them.

Cover image: by


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Oct 15, 2019 05:44

I feel like having the ability to chat easily with your co-authors would be helpful. Maybe that already exists and I just missed it?

Oct 15, 2019 06:41 by Dragon

If you have a character active you can pm other characters. Otherwise you can suggest it as a feature:

Oct 17, 2019 18:53

Why aren't Writers allowed to edit published articles which they authored?

Oct 18, 2019 01:41 by Dragon

Probably so the owner of the world is protected if the writer becomes angry and wants to change what the owner has already approved. That's the reason I can think of off the top of my head but I can ask for specific reasons if you want me to?

Oct 18, 2019 04:12

That's a fair point. I asked on the Discord, and it sounds like there may be some interest in adding a level above Writer to match this case. I have submitted a feature request so my opinion is noted. This is third-hand knowledge, so don't quote me on that!

Oct 18, 2019 12:05 by Dragon

Yeah, I'm hoping on some more levels for writers for the scribe update. :3

Nov 18, 2019 20:18

Id love a level where the players in my campaign can add things without me needing to untick draft on every page. Id love them to do everything except DELETE and View Secrets or GM notes.

Nov 19, 2019 02:28 by Dragon

There's feature request button on every backend page :)

Dec 19, 2019 21:53

Perhaps a better feature is a checkbox on each article "owner can publish" so you can lock those with the writer role overall but give them publish rights on certain articles, like a TTRPG PC's character article. Not everyone sees heroes/campaigns in its current state as sufficient for how we are doing things today, and they may not use it or may use it in combination with something like this. I did create an enhancement request about this, about 6 months or so ago.

Dec 19, 2019 23:15 by Dragon

Yeah, there is still only one dev working on the whole of WA so requests can take time. Did you request it via the Jira board? If it was during the transition from Trello to Jira it might have fallen through the cracks as well.   There will be an update on writer permissions during the Scribe update as well.

Dec 19, 2019 23:15 by Dragon

Yeah, there is still only one dev working on the whole of WA so requests can take time. Did you request it via the Jira board? If it was during the transition from Trello to Jira it might have fallen through the cracks as well.   There will be an update on writer permissions during the Scribe update as well.

Nov 12, 2019 05:41

How do authors notify each other when they've added or updated an article?

Nov 12, 2019 06:17 by Dragon

There is currently no official way of doing it on the articles but coauthors can leave msgs to each other on the backend of the articles.

(you can also see when an article was last updated in the article list) It's also possible to send messages to each other through Heroes.

Nov 13, 2019 03:30

OK thanks a lot Dragon, I'll try that out. I have to assume this is somewhere on the feature request list...communication between authors in the same tool your authoring in seems like a no-brainer. Anyway, I appreciate your assistance...cheers!

Nov 14, 2019 02:28 by Dragon

Yeah, Dimi has a long list of features to add. XD; ...there will be a Scribe update coming sometime next year , hopefully something like that is included in that update. :)

Mar 27, 2020 18:17

i cant seem to find this ? there's nothing underneath 'followers'

Mar 28, 2020 05:02 by Dragon

Followers? What are you looking for?

Mar 28, 2020 05:43 by Dragon

If you mean the Access right page it's currently in the "Setting & Tools" section.

Apr 3, 2020 04:35 by Mark Arveen Pasculado

HI! I have a Grandmaster account. Can I add co-authors who are using the free version of Worldanvil? Will they still have the same benefits listed in the co-author? And can they make their own worlds using my account?

Apr 3, 2020 05:04 by Dragon

Hello, :) Yes, as a Grandmaster you can have co-authors that have free accounts and they will be able to do anything that a co-author can do.   Letting them use your account is a breach of the site's Terms and Conditions.

Apr 3, 2020 05:54 by Mark Arveen Pasculado

Thanks for the speedy reply! One more thing: Can my co-authors add worlds of their own to the list of worlds I make using MY account, or are they limited to making worlds only in THEIR account?

Apr 4, 2020 02:53 by Dragon

Your benefits do not extend to worlds they create, they only grant additional feature writes to co-authors on your worlds so that their guild level is not an inhibiting factor to them being able to help on the project.   Hopefully, they end up liking the features enough to join the guild themselves, as guild memberships almost exclusively fund the site. :)

Apr 5, 2020 06:41 by Mark Arveen Pasculado


Apr 5, 2020 06:52 by Dragon

NP! :)

Apr 3, 2020 17:30

Why is it only available for guild members? I feel like the ability to collaborate is an intrinsic part of the world-building process, not a bonus or addon.

Apr 4, 2020 02:58 by Ademal

The ability to communicate and have a community is absolutely intrinsic to worldbuilding, but collaboration, while nice, is not a necessity. For this reason, the collaboration features, as well as other non-critical-but-very-awesome features, are restricted to Guild Membership.   Please keep in mind that the prices and tiers are designed to be as fair as possible to both the users and the Founders, and that 99% of the features of World Anvil are developed by one person. Adsense makes very little revenue for a site like this, so it relies on guild memberships to keep the lights on.

CSS Whisperer • Community Admin • Author of Ethnis
May 29, 2020 03:20

Cannot find the World Anvil Codex, nor Access Rights.... Am a Grandmaster level subscriber.

May 29, 2020 03:59 by Dragon

The Access rights is under the SETTINGS & TOOLS header in the left sidebar under your world.

Aug 5, 2020 14:43 by Frédéric Bolduc

Can you make someone a coauthor of a single article? I'd like my players in my campaign to be able to edit their own character articles without also having access to all the hidden stuff on my world.

Aug 6, 2020 00:42 by Dragon

If you make them a "writer" they can only write drafts, you will have to publish them. They shouldn't be able to see private stuff in your world.

Aug 21, 2020 09:38

What about advanced writers? Can they see hidden stuff

Aug 22, 2020 01:21 by Dragon

They can't see private articles. (Editors and co-owners can)

Aug 22, 2020 06:27

Understood, thank you!

Aug 22, 2020 22:38 by Dragon

*Thumbs up*

Jan 18, 2022 03:52 by The Legend

Unfortunately, my players (whom I've made writers and/or advanced writers) quickly discovered that they can indeed see articles they shouldn't have access to. As soon as they click the Articles link at the top of any page where it's available (i.e., while they're viewing an article they have rights to), they are taken into the articles directory backend where they can click around and see the vignette and excerpt of every private and/or public article that exists whether they have subscriber permissions to it or not. They can't edit the article, but typically the damage is already done when the entire article's existence was supposed to be hidden from them.. This is another reason I've had to tell my players to bail on WA for now. I' trying to run a campaign with select PC knowledge and it's just not currently possible to keep the walls up.

Sep 18, 2022 22:48

This has just become a huge problem for me as well. It's a shame that the backend is open for all to see

Aug 18, 2020 02:33 by theTraveler

Can I give my advanced writers edit access to specific articles, even ones they didn't create?

Aug 18, 2020 02:57 by Dragon

Under "Open Advanced Tools & Options"->"Special Actions" you can change the creator of the article. If you change this to their users they will be able to edit that article.

Aug 18, 2020 21:31 by theTraveler

I see "move article to another world" and "export article" in that section, but nothing else.

Aug 22, 2020 01:14 by Dragon

Hm, then it might be a higher tier guild privilege. (sorry for the late reply, haven't had computer access for a couple of days)

Sep 23, 2020 15:09 by Darcy Fitzalan

My Co-Author and I both have Guild Accounts (my level is Grand Master). We've found that she cannot access/see the Manuscripts I create, which is a problem. I've looked at every level I can find, tried turning Access from Private to Public in every way that seems to exist, tried "Publishing" a trial Manuscript, but still the problem persists. We both need to be able to access (and edit, etc.) Manuscripts, otherwise we've lost our main reason for subscribing. We seem to have no problem with Articles, just Manuscripts. This is beyond frustrating for us both; so much time spent trying to fix this, which we could have used in writing. Help?

Sep 24, 2020 02:00 by Dragon

Seems like the only place where it's possible to find manuscripts that you haven't written yourself is in the   As far as I know (I have only used that feature for myself yet though) the co-author feature doesn't work on it yet. (beta reading should be working though.) If you join the discord you can ask more people who have used manuscripts more than I have under the #manuscripts-development channel.   You can also read more here:

Sep 24, 2020 02:40 by Lengna Olio

It may be planned for later (Manuscripts are bran new and all).   But there is a work around atm.
If one of you sends the link of the edit side of the manuscript to the other they, can also edit the same one.
This is how me and my co-author do it.   BE CAREFUL THOUGH! Use good communication, cause you can very easily overwrite each other's work!

~Confused Soup
Sep 24, 2020 02:58 by Dragon

Thank you Lengna! :D

Sep 27, 2020 16:06 by Darcy Fitzalan

Thanks so much! We'll check out that link.

Sep 27, 2020 16:07 by Darcy Fitzalan

@Lengna Thanks for the tip! Going to see if we can figure out how to do that with a test Manuscript before anything we can't bear to lose. ;-)

Apr 28, 2022 02:36

Is there a way for me to share drafts with others not on WA?

Apr 28, 2022 04:38 by Dragon

No, they have to have a WA account to see private/draft articles.

May 24, 2023 16:22

I have some people that I would like to work with to provide them access to my articles and one or two of the "manuscripts" that I have started, but I have other manuscripts that I am not ready to show/want to keep separate and unread. Short of moving those to another world, is there a way within these settings to continue to keep everything "Private" and allow a writer/co-author access to only specific pieces of my work? I'm not seeing ways of breaking down that access within the manuscripts.

May 27, 2023 10:20 by Dragon

Afaik you can’t co-author a manuscript yet. You’ll have to ask the person who wrote the manuscript codex article.

Jun 23, 2023 16:22

Can my co-owner view and edit manuscripts?

Jun 23, 2023 17:30 by Dragon

No, not yet, as far as I am aware.

Mar 2, 2024 21:40

Hi! This might be a stupid question, but do both co-authors have to be guild members, or does only one of them have to have a guild membership? Thanks! (*ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)ꕤ*.゚

Mar 3, 2024 03:21 by Dragon

The owner of the world who wants co-authors have to be a guildmember, the co-author doesn't have to be.

Jul 23, 2024 01:31

as a new user, i can't find where to add people to my world so they can help me edit it :(

Jul 23, 2024 01:32

I also can't seem to find a home page on the website, im always in my custom world   if anyone could answer and help me out, that would be greatly appreciated

Jul 23, 2024 01:49 by Dragon

Check out this part of the "learn" page for co-authors and editors: [ur:]   I'm not sure what you mean with custom worlds and home page?