Tuesday's Special | World Behind the Veil

Tuesday's Special

The best day to go to Tony's is Tuesday, for sure. You will never eat better in your life! And add to that the atmosphere and the outstanding life music and it's one of the best experiences you will ever have. You should absolutely try to get a table next week!
— Satisfied patron
  The menu on Tuesday at Tony's is extra special. Each dish is created with one extra-dimensional ingredient. The base dish is always a minestrone with some variations in ingredients.

Preparation & Ingredients

The minestrone is continuously cooked in the center of the restaurant. Every table that is seated has a direct view of the large cauldron with some distance. The cauldron is heated with a large fire that burns throughout the day. The entire room is engulfed in the special scents from the minestrone and the fire place creating a cozy and warm atmosphere.   For every dozen or so portions that are removed, new ingredients are added to the minestrone. The cooks always ensure that there is a good balance between all the ingredients and spices. The base is water with some salt. Added to that is always one or several starch ingredients like a variation of pasta, some rice and / or potatoes. Added to this are some seasonal vegetables. During the winter, the minestrone contains a lot of root vegetables, while in summer it's a lot lighter. Then some cheese is added for some extra flavour and finally seasoned with some pepper, paprika, and parsley.

Something Special

The special ingredient is where the magic comes from. The exact origin of the ingredient is unknown, but it is likely that the expeditionary forces of the Legion of Glory find them in their adventures beyond Earth in other dimensions. The ingredient changes regularly and have a different effect each time. However, this effect is always a wholesome thing that, at least temporarily, improves the lives of those eating this minestrone.   In the past, the minestrone has made patrons more happy, created a feeling of serenity or greatly reduced stress. One time, patrons reported that after the visit, something wonderful happened in their life that turned everything around for the better. But the most important part is the moment the minestrone is eaten. The meal is usually shared with friends or family. The people who are short on these at the moment are seated by the staff with another group where they are sure to find a new friend or at least a good lunch or dinner.
First Occurence
1939, on a rainy Tuesday and the hight of the crisis.
Every Tuesday
To bring some joy and peace
Primary Related Location
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Author's Notes

Written for the Unofficial Food Challenge organized by Annie Stein. Thanks to her for organizing this!  

Unofficial Food Flash Challenge
Generic article | May 24, 2023

The theme is Food. You must write an article on the template of your choice that primarily features a food or cuisine in your world, and submit it as a comment below. Submissions are CLOSED

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Aug 10, 2021 20:05

Oh is this one of those soups that is never emptied fully? :) Pretty neat that the special ingredient is something extradimensional. Can it be that some of that ingredient is still left over the day after if the soup is never emptied?

Feel free to check my new world Terra Occidentalis if you want to see what I am up to!
Aug 16, 2021 16:59

Yes, that was the main inspiration for the ritual. I'd imagine the rest is then eaten by staff and potentially given away to some homeless shelter.

Check out my world World Behind the Veil!