Pieces of Fate

The powerful fragments of the golden guardian that fell to Melior during The Rupture.

The Creator made a golden guardian called Edutar to protect the world from chaos, which marked the beginning of the Unknown Era. In the Ages that followed, Edutar used his powers of creation to save Melior time and time again from natural disasters, chaos, and disruption. Unfortunately during the events of The Rupture his body was torn apart whilst trying to close an enormous rift to another realm.   His fragments fell to the world as the golden Pieces of Fate, and Edutar’s Prophecy was fulfilled. Folks who gathered these golden fragments became ordained, and took on Edutar's mantle and powers.  
“And so it shall be, until gold rains from the sky and enriches the land with new leaders.”

The Ordained

So far, there are eight known beings who have been ordained by a piece of fate. It's not known how many other pieces there are, or where they fell, except for one golden fragment that was observed falling into what is now known as Cavern of Lost Fate.  
The Ordained Golden Piece of Fate
Talgrad the human Edutar's golden skull
Xilen the faun Edutar's golden heart
Jokru the quargan Edutar's golden tail
Lillian the pangulan Edutar's golden tongue
Gangruk the grukran Edutar's golden left eye
Holgra the rakuwan Edutar's golden right eye
Krag the corvidan Edutar's golden right hand
Danzel the kumian Edutar's golden left hand
Each golden Piece of Fate grants the first being who touches it the powers of creation, a magic unlike any other (that does not rely on reserves of maisha to use). An ordained can use this power to change their appearance and physical form, use flight, or even teleport. They can choose to age but do not die from conditions of the body.
Item type
Unique Artifact
Owning Organization
Related Condition
Condition | Nov 29, 2022

How the golden pieces of fate gave powers of creation to their new eternal holders.

Edutar’s Prophecy
Myth | Nov 30, 2022

The foretelling of Edutar's fall and the rise of the new protectors of Melior.

Articles under Pieces of Fate

Cover image: by TJ Trewin


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Jul 18, 2021 20:41 by Avalon Arcana

These sound so op and so cool. are their safe guards in place to make sure the ordained don't abuse their power or is the world at their mercy? Can a piece be stolen from an ordained? asking for a friend :)

You should check out the The 5 Shudake, if you want of course.
Jul 18, 2021 20:41 by Avalon Arcana

These sound so op and so cool. are their safe guards in place to make sure the ordained don't abuse their power or is the world at their mercy? Can a piece be stolen from an ordained? asking for a friend :)

You should check out the The 5 Shudake, if you want of course.
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