Capital city of North Meles
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Heavily fortified city walls around the heart of the city.
Industry & Trade
Specialised craftsmen and inventors are working with new Jelly technology. Jontal Shipping Company manufactures and exports Jelly.
Guilds and Factions
The Locks and Quays guild stealthily operates from the crumbling ruins of Talan Castle
The Mudlarks are a jolly bunch of treasure hunters who wade along the River Laurel in search of trinkets.
The Underlarks are a dark and devious group who operate from the depths of Capstone's sewers.
The Fires of Capstone in the beginning of the First Age destroyed a great deal of the city, causing Talan Castle to fall into disrepair and many central buildings to be rebuilt from the ground up. This opportunity lead to the construction of the Capstone Sewers, a huge network of tunnels beneath the city designed to handle the rainwater and waste of the city.
Situated on the River Laurel in North Meles.
Large city
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Included Locations