Capstone Sewers

A vast network of stinking underground tunnels, home to vermin and scavengers.

The sewers of Capstone, capital city of Melesh, were installed to help manage the waste of the rapidly growing city, helping it cope much better with heavy rainfall seasons and keeping the streets more sanitary than they were in the Dark Age.   Large rats and other vermin have been known to live in the sewers, and a new shady sounding gang called The Underlarks have been known to frequent the dark and dangerous tunnels to scavenge in the filth for treasures such as coins, lost jewelry and thrown away items.   The Mudlarks on the other hand, are above-ground and dwell along the river Laurel. They spit on the Underlarks, saying that they are bad for business and make people believe that all scavengers waddle around in sewer filth.  


Large brick lined tunnels beneath the city with metal drain covers for access from street level. Metal ladders caked in filth lead down into the depths. The footing is slippery, smelly, and pitch black.


The sewers were constructed during the rebuilding of Capstone after the huge fires that ravaged the city at the beginning of the First Era nearly 500 years ago. This was a great opportunity to rebuild - with much of the city destroyed by fires, it was easier to clear away the debris to make way for the sewer construction. Although it delayed the overall time spent rebuilding the city, the benefits of the sewer system have really payed off as the city has grown and expanded over the years.
Sewer, network
Parent Location
The Underlarks
Organization | Nov 20, 2022

The Underlarks are a group of underground mudlarks that scavenge for treasure in the filth of Capstone Sewers.

Cover image: by Jez Timms on Unsplash


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