Letter to Home, Month of Winds by Lylyn | World Anvil

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5 Month of Winds, Year 1203

Letter to Home, Month of Winds

by Princess Lylyn Varunath

I’m writing to you on the journey back from Rafteraa to Spirith, on my own train. I have a train of my own, now! Few people on this continent appear to have personal vehicles, so this is momentous. I’m realizing already that the reason we have the train is a long story, so I suppose I should build up to it.
After my last letter, the leader of Guild 13 sent us to the Rafteraan Empire with two major aims – to learn more about the One True End, and to endear ourselves to Rafteraa’s emperors so that they would help us in a battle if need be. Unfortunately, the first endeavor was unsuccessful. We believed that the dragon Malfurno would be able to give us a firsthand account of the One True End and its ways, but Malfurno had been long dead by the time we reached his lair. In that regard, I’m afraid we’re where we started.
However, during our search for information, we inadvertently uncovered a coup attempt within the Rafteraan monarchy. One of the emperors, Medereth L’Opula, planned to assassinate the other two and use the ensuing chaos to launch a war across the continent using an army of humanoid constructs that she and her co-conspirators were secretly building underneath the city.
I realize, writing that out, that there’s no way to put it on paper that doesn’t sound ridiculous. But that’s the short version of the story. I’ll be happy to regale you with the long version upon my return.
Anyway, we prevented the coup. We found the army of constructs, we uncovered the plot, and L’Opula is now imprisoned along with two of her supporting stewards – the third did manage to escape, but I’m unconvinced he’ll be any threat on his own. Still, we’re keeping an eye out for him, just in case he reappears at some inopportune time. I suppose this is my way of letting you know that Rafteraa only has two emperors at the moment, though I’m sure word on that will make it to Varuna before this letter does. Emperors Clareon and Bonehardt are in talks with a variety of high-ranking people to ensure that business continues as usual, but I imagine Rafteraa will be a bit quiet for a while.
I was able to maintain my composure in front of the remaining emperors, but now that we’re through the worst of it, I keep thinking about how close to a catastrophe we came. L’Opula had planned to frame me and my companions for the assassinations, and if she had succeeded, I can’t imagine Varuna wouldn’t have been caught in the fallout. Rafteraa doesn’t seem like the kind of place to allow a foreign monarch to go unpunished for killing two of its leaders, to say the least. I’m relieved that we were able to uncover the truth, and I’m grateful I didn’t have to do it alone.
This entire situation got me thinking, though, and I wound up speaking with Emperor Clareon in the aftermath. L’Opula believed that isolation had cost Rafteraa its strength, and saw war as the only way to regain the continent’s respect. She manipulated the public’s views of the disenfranchised to frame a fire genasi for her own crimes, and planned to frame me and my friends for even worse to justify her crusade. It’s unforgivable in my eyes, and it has me thinking that there has to be a better way to garner respect as a ruler. I learned while I was here that Rafteraa’s leaders don’t trust Varuna, and we’ve given them no reason to. We have the opportunity to prove that I’m right – that there is a better way to be respected, even if we keep to ourselves most of the time. We have a chance to set an example and be stronger for it in turn.
With that in mind, I’ve gained Emperor Clareon’s approval to open diplomatic channels between Rafteraa and Varuna, though he acknowledges it’ll be a low priority until they sort out their own political mess. As you remain Varuna’s sovereign, I ask that you begin correspondence with Rafteraa’s emperors, though I’m happy to take over the responsibility when I return. Clareon is a bit eccentric, but he’s reasonable, and I do have a companion in my travels who has more sway with him than I do. Please at least consider it, Father. Together, you and I have a rare moment to make a real, meaningful change for Varuna and for Alumina. I hope to hear your thoughts when I next speak with Jindis.
In the meantime, we’re reporting our findings back to Guild 13 and figuring out where to go from there. Two of my previous companions have left on their own journeys, but we obtained two more in Rafteraa – the aforementioned fire genasi, and one of the humanoid constructs. I’m grateful to not be alone out here – Jindis means the world to me, but it makes sense that he stayed in Cardinal, and it’s nice to have other people who I’ve come to care for a fair bit. It makes the homesick days all the more bearable.
But make no mistake, it never gets rid of the homesickness in full. You and the family are always in my thoughts, and I send Persana’s blessings to you each day. Be well, Father.
With love,

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  2. Letter to Home, Month of Swords
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  4. Letter to Home, Month of Winds
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  5. A Crumpled-Up Letter, Lylyn's Train Quarters
  6. Letter to Home, Month of Flames