A Crumpled-Up Letter, Lylyn's Train Quarters by Lylyn | World Anvil

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Mon 2nd Jan 2023 02:45

A Crumpled-Up Letter, Lylyn's Train Quarters

by Princess Lylyn Varunath

To Khodi of Sunpoint
Dear Khodi
I hope you’re doing well after
I don’t know if you remember me after all these months, but this is
My name is Lylyn Varunath, and we worked together in Sunpoint when Neon was accused of stealing the Emperor Sapphire. Neon joined us after we finished our work in Rafteraa, and was still traveling with us as we looked for continued our work.
I wanted to
I’m sorry to tell you that
I thought it was important that I
Neon passed away was killed died in an ambush on our train recently. We were overwhelmed She was caught in the crossfire while healing us, and was turned but died instantly. Though we could not recover her body We were able to bring her belongings to Arynn in the Archos Valley, who in turn will return them for burial in her hometown, and Arynn assured us that Neon’s spirit has returned to Emyral’s fold, if you believe in that sort of thing that brings you any amount of comfort at a time like this. Though you were not related to her I’m not sure if you were still in contact, but I know how much she meant to you, and I thought it was important that you know. I’m happy to I will answer any other questions if you have them.
I wish I could have
I never meant for this to happen
I’m sorry that we failed her
I’m so sorry

Continue reading...

  1. Letter to Home, Month of Stones
    3 Month of Stones, Year 1203
  2. Letter to Home, Month of Swords
    24 Month of Swords, Year 1203
  3. Letter to Home, Month of Bolts
    18 Month of Bolts, Year 1203
  4. Letter to Home, Month of Winds
    5 Month of Winds, Year 1203
  5. A Crumpled-Up Letter, Lylyn's Train Quarters
  6. Letter to Home, Month of Flames