Letter to Home, Month of Swords by Lylyn | World Anvil

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24 Month of Swords, Year 1203

Letter to Home, Month of Swords

by Princess Lylyn Varunath

I write from Bleakspire, the capital city of the Kingdom of Zetrias. Though Cardinal suited me well, I believed I could benefit from spending time in a more politically central location. At the time of writing, I’ve been in Bleakspire for two weeks and in Zetrias for three; the train I took here made several stops, so I’ve been sure to see the sights.
As the name ‘Bleakspire’ may suggest, Zetrias is a bit gloomy. It rains often, which I’m thankful for, and much of the country is covered by thick forests. Its people are similarly subdued; I’ve had far more trouble getting to know anybody in any meaningful way here, and most of what I’ve learned has been through my own research or through hearsay at taverns.
Yes, I’m visiting taverns up here, too. I’d argue it’s more appropriate for me to do it now.
Anyway, I was hoping to get an audience with the king of Zetrias, Liberus Duskwing, but his council has made it clear he isn’t meeting with foreign dignitaries at the moment. It appears that the kingdom has been dragged into international affairs, rather than going willingly, and Duskwing barely wants to remain in contact with his neighbors, much less some ‘shut-off mermaid land,’ as his representative so eloquently put it. I tried to explain that merpeople make up a smaller portion of Varuna’s population. It didn’t go over very well.
As a result, I’ve been spending most of my time here among the commoners, especially in academic settings, and I’ve learned much about Alumina’s politics. To put it briefly, they’re quite fractured. Cardinal, Spirith and Isohara appear to be the only nations with a real interest in cooperating with their neighbors. Zetrias, as I mentioned, is insular, and Rafteraa in the north combines its powerful military with its isolationist streak in a way that makes people around here nervous. I’ve been told that Flame and Khargo are no-man’s lands, and Garth is only a step away from it – well-wishers have warned me away from all three, but I’ll make that decision in due time.
It’s all enough to make my head spin, though. I wonder if you knew that sending me among the landwalkers would leave me with a newfound appreciation for how well we collaborate with our own neighboring territories. I struggle to fathom how this continent hasn’t devolved into outright chaos. It’s a shame, too – if Cardinal and Zetrias are any indication, each country here has a vibrant culture of its own. I feel as though Alumina would be capable of great feats if its nations worked together.
Perhaps Varuna could participate in those feats as well, if it pleases you? As you may have gathered, I don’t believe meaningful international relationships could begin here in Zetrias, but I plan to travel to Spirith next. If I could get an audience with the leadership there, I could set the groundwork for further cooperation. If nothing else, we could show these nations how to work together.
As an aside, I wish I had truly understood how very large landwalkers are. I read about the differences in races before I came up here, of course, but it is quite humbling to visit a nation made up primarily of dragonborn. Every now and again, I get ignored in a shop simply because nobody notices I’m there. It’s taught me to speak louder, at least.
As I mentioned, I will leave Zetrias for Spirith soon; their capital, Sin Fidare, is home to a major academic center, and I believe I could learn much there. Communication with Jindis has been steady since I left Ravengarde, so you can be well assured that he will deliver any messages you send along with him. It was a delight to hear about Zelyn’s new musical hobbies in your last letter. I hope everyone remains in good health and spirits, and that Varuna continues to thrive. Be well, Father.
Your daughter,

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  1. Letter to Home, Month of Stones
    3 Month of Stones, Year 1203
  2. Letter to Home, Month of Swords
    24 Month of Swords, Year 1203
  3. Letter to Home, Month of Bolts
    18 Month of Bolts, Year 1203
  4. Letter to Home, Month of Winds
    5 Month of Winds, Year 1203
  5. A Crumpled-Up Letter, Lylyn's Train Quarters
  6. Letter to Home, Month of Flames