Letter to Home, Month of Bolts by Lylyn | World Anvil

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18 Month of Bolts, Year 1203

Letter to Home, Month of Bolts

by Princess Lylyn Varunath

I write from the city of Sin Fidare, at the center of Alumina. As Jindis may have mentioned, the city’s central location makes it a major hub for trade, politics, and academics, and it is home to a major research center. I had initially planned to travel here to visit the latter, and to explore the city’s complicated racial and political relations. So far, I’ve found that it is a bustling city, with a strong multicultural feel and a notable military presence. It has proven serviceable while I rest after an unexpectedly challenging journey, and I look forward to exploring in depth what it has to offer. Within reason, of course.
As I mentioned, my journey here was difficult, and I fear that it marks the beginning of a disturbing chapter in this voyage. The train I attempted to ride to Sin Fidare was caught in the crossfire of a nearby battle, and I was among those derailed. Though there were fortunately no casualties, our group resorted to traveling through a nearby ruin in order to return to the tracks and continue on to Spirith. Within the ruin, we discovered what remained of a traveling party who had encountered a battle with forces I don’t yet understand. The party’s sole survivor, an aasimar, explained that the group was involved with a guild that seeks to prove the existence of a ‘thirteenth element’ – tied in with the elements as we know them, yet separate. More sinister. We encountered a goblin soldier from a plane beyond ours or theirs, and when he tried to speak of his mission, he turned to dust. Before he did, however, we learned of his master, a being that goes by the title of the ‘One True End.’
I’m concerned, Father. I was inclined to believe that this aasimar and his guild were an organized band of conspiracy theorists and nothing more, but I know what I saw in that ruin. I’ve never seen a being turn to dust in that way, without any outside influence that we could see. Entirely bloodless, as if he was deteriorated from the inside until nothing remained but ash. It falls in line with the guild’s theory – that the thirteenth element is a necrotic force, the ability to channel and wield death and destruction itself. I don’t know what or who to believe yet, but I do know that the truth of this must be uncovered. I cannot in good conscience leave Alumina without understanding what I can about this power, and how we can prevent it being used for evil.
As such, several of the train’s other travelers and I have fallen in with the aasimar’s people – Guild 13, of Sin Fidare. They do not appear to be a well-respected organization, but I do not believe that they are infamous enough to risk my own reputation by allying with them. Still, I’ve opted to keep my membership quiet where possible, and I will part ways with them if I believe this alliance could reflect poorly on the Varunath name. As you requested when I left home, I will continue to allow my judgment to dictate my path, and you may continue to judge my path accordingly.
As the threat is not yet clear, I am not writing to request that you deploy the earthwalker forces. However, I believe increased highwater patrols are warranted on Alumina’s coasts, and I request a timely deployment so that Varuna may also be aware of any changes to the situation. I remind you, Father, of the triton creed passed down since Persana swam among us – a threat from one plane echoes out into them all, and the triton’s sacred duty is to protect land and sea alike.
I did pay attention to my history lessons, after all.
Please pass my undying love to Mother and my siblings. My thoughts are always with home and your continued health and happiness.
Take care,

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  1. Letter to Home, Month of Stones
    3 Month of Stones, Year 1203
  2. Letter to Home, Month of Swords
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  3. Letter to Home, Month of Bolts
    18 Month of Bolts, Year 1203
  4. Letter to Home, Month of Winds
    5 Month of Winds, Year 1203
  5. A Crumpled-Up Letter, Lylyn's Train Quarters
  6. Letter to Home, Month of Flames