Letter to Home, Month of Stones by Lylyn | World Anvil

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3 Month of Stones, Year 1203

Letter to Home, Month of Stones

by Princess Lylyn Varunath

As requested, I’m writing to inform you that Jindis and I have settled in. We’ve found a reasonably-priced inn in the city of Ravengarde, not far from the shore we surfaced on. Jindis is hoping to use part of his stipend to rent more permanent lodging, since he plans to remain in Ravengarde. We’ve agreed it makes more sense this way – he should be close to Varuna, where he can deliver correspondence and return home as needed. Alumina is well-connected, so keeping in touch with him should be easy work as long as I’m in the cities. If I happen to travel to more rural areas – which I know is likely – communication may be more sporadic. Jindis has already made me promise to check in when I can, however, so I’m sure he’ll be in touch with you as well.
You were right that the continent has given me opportunities to see things I could have never imagined. The landwalkers combine magic and technology in such exciting ways – I’m able to contact Jindis from other cities through modified boxes of sending, which they use to speak to each other across far distances. Indeed, closing distances seems to be a major theme on Alumina. They’ve developed high-speed transportation as well, vast railroads that connect the nations to each other. They appear a faster mode of transport than our submarine systems, but they are unfortunately powered by fire. I wonder if we could utilize the hydrothermal vents in a similar way. I wonder if the communication boxes would work underwater.
I suppose it makes sense that I’m a bit homesick, Father. For every wonder I discover on land, I immediately wonder how it could be utilized at sea, if it could benefit Varuna somehow. It’s difficult for me to separate myself enough to see things here for what they are, rather than how they could be. It has its benefits and drawbacks, of course – I am here to see what I can bring back to Varuna, after all, but I worry I may not be appreciating this land in full just yet. Perhaps time will allow me to develop a deeper understanding.
Still, I feel…out of place here. My understanding is that Cardinal is among Alumina’s most diverse lands, yet Jindis is still the only other triton I’ve seen since we arrived. The water genasi and air genasi we’ve encountered have been particularly gracious, which seems beneficial – the genasi rank among the dragonborn in power and privilege here, though the fire genasi are excluded for some reason. The reactions of the other landwalkers vary. Most people have been very polite, and some have been a bit rude. I was attacked by an elf while heading back to the inn a few nights ago, which was quite frightening, but that’s been the worst of it. Jindis has been accompanying me since if I need to go out at night, so please don’t take it as a reason to worry about me!
Besides that, I’ve enjoyed Cardinal so far. It’s a lovely, tropical place, and it’s humid enough to remind me of home. It’s an international trade hub, so somebody interesting is always passing through, and I’ve learned so much from every conversation I have. Not everybody has had mercy on me for how little I know about this world, but most people have been quite understanding.
I will keep you in the loop on my next steps – the Kingdom of Zetrias and the Holy City of Omlight both neighbor Cardinal, and both intrigue me. Until then, please know that I miss the family dearly, and that I hope you all are well. Please let Mother know that I’m doing alright – you can decide if she needs to know about the run-in with the elf.
Best wishes,

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    3 Month of Stones, Year 1203
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  4. Letter to Home, Month of Winds
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  5. A Crumpled-Up Letter, Lylyn's Train Quarters
  6. Letter to Home, Month of Flames