Entry 06 Day 4 - The Ride of Spearfall by Vaz | World Anvil

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Mon 21st Sep 2020 10:36

Entry 06 Day 4 - The Ride of Spearfall

by Vaz

We start off going West into the swamps.
On the way out a purple majesty spoke of doom, warns against those who corrupted the earth and those who have a weapon forged in darkness. He is casting ritual magic but we ride past and move on.
The Harbor master's clear the city for us making a smooth ride.
We are able to push through, and come acroos a kobold trail of blood, likely mauled by a bear.
Master presses on, and comes to a bridge near mills, another purple fool, or the same.
Master rides down the fool, but he is nothing but robes, the Orcs look at him carefully but decide better of it.
Some hot springs we walk towards, Kess Varta says a portal to the planes of fire.
We are able to make it to a bridge where the simple one falls, but is saved from a beast.
Come across some folks who cheer us on and the good master throws them coppers as we passed, but seems they are throwing money each way for pigs, what fools.
The simpleton does stop to help master, noteworthy.
Some deer, spooking them isn't neccessary.
Coming into some mines, our horses take a beating, a man shouting at us that we must leave there is a Shepard, and we see a skeletal Shepard walking over the hills but the Master presses on.
We try to head past a group of bandits, who shoots an arrow, out of pocket comes the gold and on we go... I cannot catch their scent.
After this a farm, with pigs that fly with bat wings, how amusing, there is even a force wall to keep them in.
Standing stones ahead but Master guides us around, and we are able to move on.
A rider approaches us, a gentleman of sorts, Drewill the Red, Master names him liar and we travel on. As we pass he eyes Amrith longingly, but rides away, if he returns death will be his end, I will watch as night falls.
There is blight, after a child wants us to help but is scared of me, we must be close.
We are gaining close to the hold, 15.5 at 14th hour
Master decides to go through levy, in order to keep the horses fresh in the most dangerous of territories, we are able to move through the area with our map making good time. Hot springs are in view, would renergize indeed, he calls for a short rest. Kess lights some herbal smoke, a short break will do me good, well behaved servants.
Upon leaving the horses fail us and must be beat to move on, it obeys, but one tries to tip Master, I will watch it or it shall become dinner.
Amrith stops to look at some goats and rearing at them for the carts, Master wisely makes note for the Lord and moves on.
A half mile on a small stall with 3 Goblin Merchant comes into view, Master speaks goblin and they scurry in fear.
An old fool wave's us down promising control over weather for 25 Silver for good fortune, it was paid.
The Master rides into Nasinhold, arguements and petty desires fall beneath his glorious ride, even the heat and humidity cannot stand. Miss Amrith requires an investigation, I must find someone to leave instructions with.
The metal beast-dwarf decided to stay behind and cause a fight with some house guard, maybe her death will muddle our trail.
Heading into the swamp, our local Simpleton decides to drown his horse, and jumps on Master's. I must watch to ensure it is not a ploy.
Raven's burst from the swamp and Valeria returns with my Lady's favor, perhaps worth more than meet's the eye.
The Master follows and rides like wind, even with the extra load, impressive.
A Golthias tree, in the swamp, these beasts can kill and run over the land, this should burn as my father's have done but I a death created from it's own fruit may be the key to their demise.
A darkness sorrounds us, fear and death rule here, Miss Amrith is comfortable, a well trained warrior.
Croak's and frog's sorround us, a giant one fall's to my fist, the Master and Miss Amrith are injured but the others are capable, I am sure Master had said run.
Even with delay we can make it to the ruins before sun down, comming upon the robbed figure performing a ritual.1